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This is becoming increasingly frustrating. First I lost the radio service I was using and now my album track order is being ignored with many tracks ignored due to skipping.

I saw on one forum a message about the device sleeping would cause some problems. Does this mean I have to keep my phone screen active to not suffer any problems. This certainly never used to happen and does not explain random track skipping. 

If this is the case it kind of negated the use of the technology as a music player. Been a Sonos owner for six or so years but this is causing real annoyance with the setup.

Sounds more like an issue of your speakers staying connected to your router than it does a device issue.

I’d start with reading the wifi interference FAQ. I would also try a simple network refresh by unplugging all your Sonos devices from power. While they are unplugged, then reboot the router. When the router comes back up, plug back in the Sonos devices.

However, if your issues continue, I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it, or post the diagnostic number here for a Community Moderator to pick up.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, there are more options available beyond just the diagnostic analysis. 

Cheer sir. Much appreciated, will give that a wee try with the router and post results for info afterwards.

Hi Bruce

I tried what you said and it's mostly but not completely fixed the issue. After first song it bumped the second then played the next six or seven in a row.

Submitted the diagnostic report but no idea how that is tracked or what is done with it. The website structure doesn't lend itself for a good user experience and apart from this forum I don't know where to submit the reference number for my system report to specifically be looked at.


Any pointers?

Please see Bruce's original reply for what to do with the confirmation number.

Either post it here or call Sonos Support. 

Can I  just check... these are playlists created on your phone and played  through On This Mobile Device? Not Sonos playlists?