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The TuneIn Radio Streaming does not appear to work with the latest release of SONOS for iOS.

  • 15 May 2024
  • 0 replies

The TuneIn Radio Streaming does not appear to work with the latest release of SONOS for iOS. Has anyone been able to get a premimum TuneIn streaming service to work with the CRAZY premature release of SONOS iOS App..? 

  1. The TuneIn Radio Streaming does not appear to work with the latest release of SONOS for iOS.
  2. As a product development engineer for 30+ years, I am well aware of the importance of a good UI User Interface. What SONOS had was a good user interface that was functional and logical and easy to navigate with a very minimum learn curve. The new App Provides a UI that is much less intuitive and is missing many features.
  3. As a SONOS supporter for over 20 years and hold significant SONOS shares of stock I have been fully behind the SONOS product up until this latest release. Come-On SONOS, at a minimum YOU have to provide a rollback until this new version is functional. 
  4. Sr. Management, please wake-up and listen to your customers, they determine if you succeed or fail. The ball is back in Sr. managements ability to read the tea leaves and hopefully make the wise decision.