I, like every other Sonos user, lost access to my beloved local music library curated from my personal “hard copy” musical collection and playlists when the new app was released. However, I was a lot better of that most because I had an old iPad with the “old” S2 app which was still able to play from my library. Every time it offered to update I refused point blank for that very reason.
Today however it appears that a device update has rendered the old app useless because it is now no longer able to control my Sonos speakers. I consider this an almost underhand and sneaky way to “force” me to use an app which no longer serves the purpose I originally intended it for and renders my expensive speakers a lot less attractive than they were.
A fix for this was hinted at being available “mid June” but still no sign.
PLEASE, PLEASE, when will this be fixed? And if the answer really is never, please come clean so I can attempt to offload my speakers on to someone who doesn’t need it want the facility I bought them for in the first place!