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It seems like it's time to try to collect at much info as possible on not being able to add  Ikea symphonisk’s since the last update.

In my case, I bought some Symphonisk picture frames. Via ethernet and or wifi, you can get to the very last step, verify audio pin and then you are told that there was an issue adding the product to your system no matter what route you take, manual pin verification, audio pin verification, same outcome.


For science I returned the first set and got another set. Same exact issue. 

For science one more time, I returned those and tried it again, same exact issue. 


I was able to successfully add a sub mini which is great, but pointless at this point. 

This was attempted with both an ios and and an android device on the latest release for both platforms.


Attempting to use the 16.1 app on android to try to add these speakers does not work either. Not because it doesn’t work but because the app refuses to let you add anything IF you are not running the latest app. Try to add a new device and it will tell you you're not on the latest app, block the internet connection and try to add and you still can't add anything because the app can't check to make sure it's the latest version. 




how to setup complete , i also stuck on update and button problem

install the pc/mac app. it will complete the update 

install the pc/mac app. it will complete the update 

What is the name of the app for Mac? There are so many….





Downloads | Sonos

If you have IKEA Symfonisk speakers and not able to ad them in the New Sonos App.


Reset the IKEA Symfonisk speakers, after resetting the Sonos App will see the Speakers and update them after added. 

I’m having the same issue setting up my new sonos five. I can get as far as updating the speaker until I get an instant 1002 error. The Sonos app on windows also says no system found?

I’m having the same issue setting up my new sonos five. I can get as far as updating the speaker until I get an instant 1002 error. The Sonos app on windows also says no system found?

I Guess that is more a Sonos issue rather then IKEA Symfonisk issue.

But I noticed after updating to the new Sonos App that all me Sonos devices needed too install an update….. Maybe that is the case for you?

I’m having the same issue setting up my new sonos five. I can get as far as updating the speaker until I get an instant 1002 error. The Sonos app on windows also says no system found?

I Guess that is more a Sonos issue rather then IKEA Symfonisk issue.

But I noticed after updating to the new Sonos App that all me Sonos devices needed too install an update….. Maybe that is the case for you?

This is my first ever sonos product, never had a system before. I’ve been trying to set it up for 3 weeks.

I’ve had many of these same issues installing a new Symfonisk bookshelf to my existing system. And many different error codes. Was on chat for 30 minutes which got me further but in the end I was told to call.

Instead of doing that, I luckily realized I have an old iPhone with the 16.1 app on it. It actually let me download the update to my bookshelf and it works completely now!

Obviously Sonos realizes that their new app has lots of problems. Besides all that, the new app also feels unnecessarily complex. I often get lost in it with all the terrible sliding panels from the bottom.


I saw that Sonos issued a new version of the app, but it seems to be only for Apple. The Android seems unchanged. I tried it - still not working. Has anybody had better luck?

80.01.07 (Android)
80.01.10 (iOS) → 80.01.11 (iOS)

Thank you.

Thinking back, I was very skeptical about Sonos in general due to the reason they were 100% relying on Sonos to get them working… Things were working so well, I just kept buying more speakers and stopped worrying about that...

At this point, they should just open source everything just so we can use them!

Yes, Sonos are demonstrating very well why closed proprietary systems can be great one day, absolute trash the next, and the smart move is to avoid them. My next system will be a proper separates system. If the amp becomes a problem, because of an issue like this, I’ll just switch that out. 

Back to IKEA - I hope they take them off the shelves. Otherwise thousands of customers will be taking them home this weekend to find they can’t use them. The bosses at IKEA will be laying eggs, this can’t be good for their partnership if it make IKEA look bad. 

I had problems with my ikea speaker as well, exchanged it on the weekend and same thing happened, the speaker shows up but won’t connect. 

I got the speaker to work - but only with the Ethernet cord for now. 

Make sure you have the newest Sonos updated on your phone (but to even delete and redownload). Then get your laptop and download the Sonos app onto you laptop and log in. Plug an Ethernet cord in and start the set up, a message should eventually pop saying it needs to be updated, press update - it won’t work on the phone, but by this point the system should show up on the computer, press update on your computer and the update should begin. Once complete re-press update on your phone and it will do its thing. After this your system should be on… I’m still having troubles connecting wirelessly though. I will keep you guys updated on if I can figure it out 

I bought an ikea symfonisk yesterday. After a frustrating hour+ of being stuck in the error code 1002 loop, I downloaded the Windows version of the Sonos app on my PC then updated the software using a network cable. I was then able to complete the installation on my mobile without any problems. 

Thanks for the information about the Windows app aliosa27.  That manage to get me past the update process and error 1000/1002 which sent me in circles the last few days.

Very, very frustrating.

Confirming I too was able to update add the Symfonisk devices to my system using the most recent version of the Android app, but the Android app still refuses to install the required updates and returns a 1002.  Sometimes I got a 1000 or 1001.  The devices remain “Unregistered” as a result.


To resolve, download the Windows app.  After loading the Windows app it should prompt for updates to the Symfonisk devices and successfully install them.  You can then use the Android (presumably iOS too) app to rename and configure those Symfonisk devices…. and actually use your system again.  

PS- the fact that the homescreen widget is still unavailable is a MAJOR miss.  Get it together Sonos!

Thought I’d add my two cents to this and tell you what SOLVED the issue for me: changing WiFi router settings.

Short story: IKEA Symfonisk could be “added” to my Sonos system (already had a Move) using the Mobile App, but not recognized (so no functionality). Tried updating the Sonos system using the PC app as suggested by others, didn’t fix it. Contacted local Sonos support (they were very friendly and helpful)  - after trying all their tricks they suggested it could be an issue with my Wifi router.

So I called my internet and router provider, and turned our they had a list of recommended Wifi router settings to make Sonos work. They helped me ensure that the Wifi settings were as follows:

1. 2.4 GHz must be activated.

2. The SSID for 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi networks must be unique (ie. distinct IDs/names. If not previously enabled, it may be wise to keep the 2.4 Ghz name the same as the old name to make existing systems recognize it and label the 5Ghz channel as XXX_5G).

3. Client AP isolation should (likely) be OFF.

4. Use “b/g mode” for the 2.4 Ghz .

5. Use WPA2/AESK

6. WiFi channel should be in “LOCKED” mode.

7. Airtime fairness should be OFF

8. WPS should be OFF

9. Ipv6 setting STATEFUL. (as opposed to stateless)

10. Channel width: 20MHz.

(settings 2, 4, 6 and 10 were “incorrect” on my Wifi)

After changing setting and reconnecting to the Wifi (the 2.4 Ghz channel), initially the Symfonisk wasn’t recognized in the Mobile App. using the Sonos PC App now solved it: If I remember correctly, I unplugged and reconnected the IKEA Symfonisk, clicked the Reset Controller (Help menu) in the PC app, and then “connect to existing system”. The app asked me to update the system and I clicked OK. After that, it was possible to recognize the Symfonisk in the Mobile app (under System settings).

The Symfonisk and the Move speaker now work perfectly using the Mobile App (knock on wood)!

Only issue I have at the moment is that I can’t add the Speaker to the WiFi. I can get it all working perfectly using an ethernet cable and it shows up on my network controller. I can start music from my mobile device when it’s connected to the WiFi fine and I can use all the services. The problem is I can’t get the speaker to complete the wireless setup. I’ve tried three different Android devices and they all see the Speaker when it’s cabled in but when I try to update the networks to add it to the WiFi it just says no device found even though I can go back a step and trigger music on it!!!

I know it’s not the WiFi as I used to be a WiFi system engineer and installer so all the settings are correct.


I will keep trying some other tricks and update if anything works but right now it seems there is definitely something wrong with the latest updates as this speaker has worked perfectly for about 2 years.

Were they working wirelessly fine before the app update? What changed (besides the app)

Still no joy.

Just factory reset my speaker again this morning after I found a network issue on my setup. Only minor but you never know. The cable for my NAS drive had a broken clip and wasn’t fully secured so it was causing my network to flap like crazy. Cable replaced, network now stable so why not start over?

In terms of the network the only thing I’ve changed recently is the controller and gateway (I use UniFi at home). I was running the network from a cloudkey gen 1 and a USG 3 and both are now legacy devices. I changed to a UniFi Express which does both jobs in one unit.

My IOT network is on a seperate VLAN and the WiFi for it is set to solely 2.4Ghz. The switch and both AP’s are the same as before.

I can connect the speaker to the switch on the IOT VLAN and it receives an IP Address from that network. I can go through the setup process in the Sonos App on my phone and it finds the speaker fine, although the tones to connect it don’t work the pin number does. It shows up in the app and works fine I can play music and use Alexa to trigger music on it. It also shows up on my controller fine and I can see it connected to the switch and the correct VLAN. When I try to add it to a wireless network it says “No products found”.


If I wanted to just have the speaker next to my switch it wouldn’t be a problem but it normally sits in the conservatory and there’s no cabling out there so wireless is the only option and without it connecting I can’t use it out there.


All my other IOT devices on that network both wired and wireless have connected fine with no problems.