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System vanished and 169 ip

  • 14 May 2024
  • 2 replies

I have a system made up of play1s, play3s, ones (mk1 and 2), and amp.


My whole system has vanished from the app as of today. I have tried powering everything off, rebooting the router, then bringing the sonos devices up but no luck. For some reason the play3 (which is my one wired device) is giving itself a 169 address despite having a reserved IP address on my router. In fact, at this troubleshooting stage, I have left all of my other sonos devices powered off. 


I have changed ISP today but I have not changed router, nor has the router been reset or restored to factory settings. The only thing that has changed is my connection to the outside world - my internal network remains the same as it was yesterday.


I've seen a few people mention that this seems to be a bug in the new version go the app which requires and whole system reset which will result in me losing all my playlists, etc. Surely this cannot be the case? 


Any help much appreciated. 



Is the address starting 169.254 ? That is normally the internal address of the external WAN IP if that makes sense. Or could your sonos system update have changed it to using dhcp when the system requests a connection?  I can’t remember if you used to be able to indicate on sonos system to use a static or dynamic IP. I betting it has also screwed up my WiFi channel setting (non standard, as so many competing signals around). But the new app appears to have nixed the setup page for that too

After many hours of faffing around last night, I have managed to downgrade my installed app version to 16.1 and reconnect my system. The key step seemed to be plugging an ethernet cable into one of my devices that was previously using sonosnet. Unfortunately I've lost access to my play3 in the process because I factory reset it as a troubleshooting step and now can't add it back in without upgrading to the latest app version (no thanks!). I can live without the play3 until sonos get their act together. 


It would be very interesting to know how many countless hours have been wasted by sonos customers globally over the last week or so, thanks to the absolute ineptitude of sonos for releasing this deplorable app "update".


If anyone else wants to downgrade, you can grab the android v16.1 here


Good luck!