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I’m on version 80.06.03 of the iOS app and I am still unable to search or manage my local music library through the app. I’ve removed and re-added the library using the desktop app, uninstalled/reinstalled the app itself and even done an app reset but still no luck. 

Am I missing something simple here?

So I’m now on 80.07.03 and search is still not showing up for my local music library. What do I need to do to enable it?

 I thought Sonos said they did something to make sure the Search field did no cover the Folder selection.  Maybe yours is hiding at the bottom of the screen.  Just a guess.  Mine did not change position.

Same problem here. Music library search did appear for me a few release’s ago but disappeared soon after. None of the recent releases brought it back for me. 

It’s still available, but it’s on the main screen. It disappears when you select Artist, Albums etc.

As I said. It was there at one stage but has disappeared recently. I have updated the iOS app to the latest version but, no joy.


II sometimes simply search the local library only by a letter, such as ‘Z’ as shown in the attached screen-capture, but it’s really quick even when searching for things by just a few letters in the title of a track, album, playlist, Artist etc.

II sometimes simply search the local library only by a letter, such as ‘Z’ as shown in the attached screen-capture, but it’s really quick even when searching for things by just a few letters in the title of a track, album, playlist, Artist etc.

I’m not certain I understand the meaning of your post. The point is, the ability to search the local music library is just not there for some. Like the original poster and myself.

II sometimes simply search the local library only by a letter, such as ‘Z’ as shown in the attached screen-capture, but it’s really quick even when searching for things by just a few letters in the title of a track, album, playlist, Artist etc.

I’m not certain I understand the meaning of your post. The point is, the ability to search the local music library is just not there for some. Like the original poster and myself.

Ah right, sorry🙏 I didn’t realise you had a problem seeing the search when accessing the library. I’ve not come across that issue on Sonos controllers here - The search feature has been in situ for a while as you can perhaps see in my earlier attachment. Maybe see if the following might assist …

Set the local library SMB version 2 (or higher) to the same min/max setting.

If using a NAS then maybe set the following settings (if available)…

  • Oplocks - disabled  (not required: SMBv1 only)

Write Options: (not relevant for Sonos)

  • Preallocate - disabled
  • Strict Sync - disabled 


  • Restrict Anonymous - enabled
  • SMB Encrypt - Auto
  • SMB Signing - disabled
  • Hide Unreadable - disabled
  • Hide Unwritable - disabled

Also try a different shared folder with just a few dozen tracks in it and see if that works as it might be an issue with the metadata, or the fact that the library exceeds some Sonos limitations which include 65,000 slots for tracks (note that may not mean actually 65,000 tracks as some tracks may take up more than one slot). Also there are apparently these limitations…

Field Name Character Limits:

Artists - 76

Album - 92

Track - 100

Genre - 22

File name - 100

Also, go onto try signing out/in on the Sonos App and ensure the App and local device firmware are upto date. Make sure there isn’t something perhaps blocking connection to the Sonos cloud, such as VPN client software, firewall, other blockers etc. 

I would switch off mobile data connection for the App too and temporarily disable things like WiFi calling, MAC spoofing/Private WiFi Address, just to see if that might help.

If using wireless mode, rather than SonosNet, perhaps also check that your Sonos device SNR levels are not close to, or falling below, 25dB, as mentioned in this Sonos support link…

Those are just some things that spring to mind, that I would check if I had that issue. I hope the suggestions assist.