I have made updates to my playlists in the Apple Music app on the Mac.
The updates do not appear in the Imported Playlists in the Sonos controller app, not after reindexing and not after deleting the music library in the app and adding it again.
I’ve verified that the Apple Music app does have the music and library files where I assume they are - on the NAS.
Sonos 12.2; MacOS 10.15.7.
- Made changes to some playlists
- All music and index files are on \\(server)\music\Sonos and that is where Apple Music is pointed to
- The Music Library.musiclibrary file on the NAS in this location is the one that Apple Music updates when I do changes to the playlists (at least, the date/time stamp on it changes)
- Updated the music index on Sones: Playlist changes not reflected
- I have an iTunes folder under (user)\Music on the Mac itself
- Deleted the music library on Sonos
- Added both the local harddrive (empty) music library and the NAS library
- After going through the indexing, the playlist did still not show the new changes
- The Sonos app has full disc acces and files and folder access
- The SonosLibraryServer app has full disk access but not files and folder access
(and for now, the + in that system preferences is grayed out so I don’t know how to actually add it)
What is it I am missing? What is the setting or file location or what have you that I need to change in order to have a fully functional, dynamic playlist handling?