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It takes several attempts to “change the station” in Sonos app/TuneIn.  The icons and GUI update to the newly selected station, but the actual audio is the previous station.  It only started a couple of months ago, so it’s likely related to a bug in the software update.  This topic was created previously - but the discussion was “closed” without any resolution.  Did I miss something?  Is there a solution for this bug?

Previous discussion now closed: 


Hello @dhaase and welcome to Sonos Community!

The attached thread has been closed automatically due to inactivity within the community.

We have identified the above issue mentioned and currently working on a fix, but unfortunately I do not have any ETA to provide.

Please bare with us, I will make sure to reply here with any updates.

Thank you, Sotiri, και ευ χαριστώ!

Before the topic closes again, is there any update on progress?

Alternatively, can anyone suggest a reliable work-around to force the station change?

I just updated my contoller (S2, version 15.8). Unfortunately the issue is still there...

Well, you might see that behavior with duplicate IP addresses blocking the communication between the controller and the speaker. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to do a simple network refresh by unplugging all your Sonos devices from power, then rebooting your router. Once the router has had sufficient time to reload, say, 2 minutes or so, plug back in the Sonos devices.

Note, this is merely a simple IP address refresh, and will not fix/get around any bug that @Sotiris C. is mentioning. 

Thanks for the suggestion. However, this problem has been for several months and in that time I had multiple router boots. These happen overnight, and I switch off power to all my sonos gear at night. So I think I’ll have to wait for the bug fix.

Having the same problem since a few months, posting here to keep the topic alive

Any updates on a fix?  I’ve got 4 speakers. I’ve really loved them.  But I don’t need this daily frustration.

The message above about working on a fix is 7 months old.  Not much cause for hope.

If you do a bit of googling you will notice that this issue is at least 3 years old and Sonos does not seem to have any interest in trying to fix it. This is the main reason I have gotten a different brand soundbar & sub.

I don’t think this will ever get fixed by Sonos.

a note to keep this topic alive

Seems like the crappy Sonos system needs to be trashed. The technology is beyond the scope of the people who work there.

I’ve got this bug too and it is worse with the new app.

I have the same problem, shame on Sonos not being able to fix it.

Have the same problem across both my Play 5 and Roam, using the app on my iPad, iPhone and Mac. 
It can sometimes take multiple attempts to get it to really tune to the new station. Please  address this very annoying problem. Thanks. 

Upping this topic, as this is not solved yet with the new app and all updates 
