I have the following setup:
- Arc
- One
- 2 x One SL (paired in surround with the Arc)
All running S2 v12.2.2
My router is a Unifi UDM PRO running v1.8.6 firmware. I have two Unifi AC-HD access points running firmware 4.3.2811361.
All five speakers have DHCP reservations from the router. I’m running a 24-bit subnet with no VLANs.
The Arc is wired (WM: 0), but all the other speakers are wireless (WM: 1).
When I use the Sonos app to play a Spotify track, everything is fine playing to the Arc or the One. If I try to play to the SYMFONISK, it fails with the message “Spotify - Unable to play (track) - the connection to Spotify was lost” and skips to the next track which also fails with that message, and so on until the end of the playlist.
If I try from the Spotify app to connect to the SYMFONISK, it fails to connect without any error message.
I have rebooted the router, changed the DHCP reservations, power cycled the speakers and factory reset some of them but I still have the same issue.
This happens on multiple phones on the same wireless network.
I have submitted diagnostics reference 376721015.