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Sound level when creating a group


When creating a group, is it possible to have the added speakers join at the same volume?

For example:

I am listening to the lounge, at say volume 20, and want to add the kitchen.

At the moment, if I add the kitchen and it’s been previously played at 50, that’s what it will join the group at, rather than the desired 20.

Thanks in advance.

No, there is not a setting for this.  If you’re concerned that the kitchen will join the group at too high a volume, then you could set the volume level for kitchen first before you add it to the group. 

Really, this would be recommended for playback anytime, whether in a group or not. As an example, I typically play TV audio louder at night than in the morning.  So in the morning, I’ll set the volume lower before I start playing anything on the TV.  

Would be great if Sonos could include this in an update. Should be fairly straightforward.

Love it!, thanks Sonos, this is now a feature. Good work.