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Sort Spotify Playlist by Recently Added in Sonos App

  • 9 December 2022
  • 2 replies

Is there a way to change the order of songs in spotify playlists as they appear in the sonos app?
I’d like the newest added to appear at the top.

I’ve seen similar requests on this community forum where the response has been to pass the feedback / request onto the development team. But those posts seem to be from 4 or 5 years ago.

Any progress made on making this option available which I just can’t find?


That would require a change by Spotify.  Sonos doesn’t code the individual services, they only supply the API. 

Sonos never sort third party data. One good reason is that the data to sort by (the “newest” in this case) isn’t even available to them.

Sort it in the Spotify app instead, which I assume does have access to that.