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I bought my Sonos to specifically play music from a NAS where I have stored all my CDs/music. The internet radio is a welcome bonus. This system has worked well for probably over two years and provides a great sound in the kitchen where I tend to spend much of my time. Suddenly the Sonos refuses to connect to the NAS. I’ve deleted the path using the app and attempted to reinstate it with no joy.

My path:


I’ve set my NAS to a fixed address  - no difference.

I’ve tried using the NAS ip address - no difference

I’ve tried //ip address/public/music/

SONOS was unable to add the music folder

Please check the path to the folder and the username and password if needed are correct.

Reason: The computer Server1 is not responding.

Sever1 responds to my laptop, my Raspberry Pi, my Mac Mini - I can play music from the server on all of these devices.

This path works if I drop it into Chrome. It is also the path that is used on my Rasberry Pi based system in the lounge.

The Sonos is quite merrily playing jazz radio so I presume it must have a good network connection.

The Sonos isn’t able to stream from my Laptop either - just tried adding some music to a folder. Same error except it is my laptop that’s not responding.

I can see the Sonos from my laptop including the directory structure - All the folders are empty.

Help otherwise, is it possible to access the Sonos amplifier input so I can hook a Rasberry Pi up to it?


Hi.  Which device are you using to set the path to the NAS?  This is easier on a PC/Mac controller than on a mobile device.

Is your local network set as Private?  And does the profile allow file sharing? I have known Windows updates to randomly reassign my network to Public in the past.

Is SMB v1 file sharing enabled?  NAS firmware updates have been known to disable this.

Have you explored whether any firewall issues are causing this?

Just a few ideas…..

Hi John,

Thanks for the reply.

I’m using a PC laptop to run the Sonos app. 

Yes, I file share from my NAS so I’m able to use my Rasberry Pi as a sort of Sonos plus I can access the NAS from all my devices in the house and play music on them other than the Sonos.

I have SMB 2 and SMB 3 set. Will try with SMB 1 too - just tried, no difference.

I don’t file share folders on my laptop so I suppose that may be why my laptop can’t be accessed by the Sonos thinking about it. Everything accesses my central server for images. documents and music.

Sorry for my ignorance but I’d assumed as it was my Sonos trying to connect to my Server that you mean the Server’s firewall. The server is a Western digital NAS. I don’t seen any reference to a firewall in its configuration. I can play the tracks from my server on my laptop though if that helps.

I find it odd that I can browse the path through to my Music folder on the server using the Sonos app and even see albums.



I still think it might be SMB v1. You would need to reboot the NAS to make the change effective. 

A recent(ish) WD update did disable it.

Tried rebooting the NAS - tried just with SMB1 only - no change.

Eventually went & got my stepladder (Sonos mounted on top of a kitchen cabinet so a faff) & turned the Sonos off and on.

it’s now working again  - I never ever reboot it as it’s so inaccessible. Did so recently as the alarm stopped working not even Sonos chimes - beginning to think that recent reboot stopped something else working as I don’t think Sonos has accessed the server since.

Don’t really understand as you’d think if it could play music off internet sources it could connect to a local NAS. 

Thanks for help John.


Check the NAS connection Log file and see if you can identify the connection from SONOS to the NAS. As an example both the SYNLOGY Connection and File transfer logs will show the SONOS  making the connection and the transferring the files.


As others have mentioned recent NAS updates may have disabled the SMB1 protocol which is required for SONOS. 

If you continue to have issue you can use Wireshark to help discover what is happening on the network. You will need a Ethernet Tap or a Ethernet Switch with port mirroring to do the troubleshooting.