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This is not resolved as I have seen many topics closed out, maybe just worded different but when I called in on Thursday 4.9 I was told “we are aware of the issue and there is no current fix”. I can play songs from Amazon music in Sonos no problem, but as soon as I add them to my Sonos Playlist and try to listen to them,  I get the dreaded “song not encoded correctly” error message.

Diagnostics  1735251149.


Welcome to the community, we are aware of an issue affecting certain content in Amazon Music playlists and have reported it to Amazon.


  • You cannot put purchased music into playlists, but start the same content from any other container in 'My Music'.
  • Non-Purchased music is not affected and will work fine in playlists

What do you mean by Purchased music? Like buying the actual song? I do not do that, I pay for amazon streaming of their music. So when I go into my playlist I search for songs on amazon and add them to my playlist. that is when they will not play and I get the encoding error.