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It's a significant step.  But I note Keith, the author of the Trello Board, says.

...the board isn’t an exhaustive list of items the company’s working on, or known issues. However, the hope is that more input from other parts of the company will lead to the board being a one-stop hub for not only internal use, but also increased transparency for users who are following along.

Why does he have to “hope” for more input from “other parts of the company”?  Why can’t he directly access the internal bug tracking system (e.g., Jira) that Sonos is using?  Is it possible Sonos doesn’t use bug tracking software?  Is Keith maintaining this list through word of mouth, and is Sonos managing this project with sticky notes?

Have seen degraded performance over the last week with system remembering grouped sneakers, drop every time I start now. Volume response is also going south particularly with grouped speakers.  On a positive note, grouping speakers is simple with the new app so this is a minor irritant. The volume latency is by far the most irritating and it seems to be getting worse