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Since I updated my Sonos app I‘m not able to connect to my Sonos System.


My wife is still using the version before May 8th and everything runs perfect if I use her iPhone.


so…. My network (WiFi) and all my Sonos Speaker are working. For 100% it is because of the app update.


Is there anyone who can help or @SonosSupport… do you plan to push an update within the next days?

Same issue here, with latest app still not resolved. System comes and goes from time to time in Sonos app. I found out after Spotify connect did not show my Sonos devices anymore.

Also can't group with Roam on WiFi.

I am very surprised this passed their Quality Assurance process. 

I’ve had 2 new era 100’s since the 11th of may completely unusable because my app has stopped working since trying to add them. Seen a few people in here, over the 6 weeks of monitoring this chat, saying hardwiring can sort it so I’ve spent £74 on 2 x 18m Ethernet cables long enough to reach where the 100’s are (on a wall behind sofa) and also had to buy 2 Sonos adapters at £40 each because the 100’s don’t have a standard port (absolute joke!). Luckily I’m an electrician and running cables is part of my daily work but I’ve spent hours today running in the ethernets. If I had paid someone to do this it would have cost £££. Still awaiting the adapters so will update in here once it’s all hardwired with a verdict.  

I can confirm this has fixed my app somehow and everything works perfectly 


Update: I had to restart my router for the connectivity to work.

Unfortunately, the software has always left something to be desired.  We've always had quirky issues.  However, with the release of the major app update recently, our home's speakers are nearly useless.  The app in itself is such a convoluted mess and has stripped out any intuitive features it once had.  User experience for simply combining speakers, adjusting volume, assigning line-in to speakers, etc is such a non-intuitive process resulting in a lot of frustration. 
I wish it ended there.  The app no longer finds all speakers in the home.  The app no longer combines speakers when we tell it to.  The app will drop speakers after starting music and there's no way to turn the music off.  The app will not turn music on. The app will not adjust volumes when requested.  The app has significant lag and delay communicating to speakers.  The app plays music in rooms we never told it to.  
We are left with thousands of dollars of speakers with literal minds of their own and little way to control them.  Reading app reviews indicates this is a significant issue with anyone with Sonos products.  Do your supporters right, and eliminate this new app and revert back to what works until all of this mess is figured out. 

End of June. First time trying to use my app in a while, and have this issue where app cannot find my system. Tried the S1 app, and can verify with it that all of my devices are on S2. Everything still plays through Apple Music, but if I have to set this system up again, I won’t be able to. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling (today is 6/30) with no luck.

Still can’t connect to my speakers because of this new App update. My system apparently doesn’t exist anymore.


any new information on how to fix this so I can use my speakers?! 


Since I updated my Sonos app I‘m not able to connect to my Sonos System.


My wife is still using the version before May 8th and everything runs perfect if I use her iPhone.


so…. My network (WiFi) and all my Sonos Speaker are working. For 100% it is because of the app update.


Is there anyone who can help or @SonosSupport… do you plan to push an update within the next days?

Same problem. Started some weeks ago. Intermittently the new iPhone app will find/not find products. Sonos (One) speakers are all working fine. Old iPhone app on old iPad is working fine as well (configuring is disabled). Sonos app on PC also working fine.

When I connected the Sonos (One) using Ethernet cable I am able to connect with the iPhone app again. I can switch back and forth between Cable and WiFi, no problem. When i then disconnect the Cable the new iPhone app continued to work. But after some time the new iPhone app starts to report again that no products are found.

Need a fix from Sonos for the iPhone app!!


I have been using my Sonos playbar and sub for freaking YEARS!  No issues.  This app has caused so much harm.  Ive reset everything multiple times and the app finds the unit, sets it up and then cant find it.  My system is completely useless.  SONOS, push out a fix immediately.

Unfortunately, the software has always left something to be desired.  We've always had quirky issues.  However, with the release of the major app update recently, our home's speakers are nearly useless.  The app in itself is such a convoluted mess and has stripped out any intuitive features it once had.  User experience for simply combining speakers, adjusting volume, assigning line-in to speakers, etc is such a non-intuitive process resulting in a lot of frustration. 

You nail the customer experience for me since the new app.

Does anyone have it actually working well if so please shared your model of phone and OS version.
(sadly if its working they will not be here looking for solutions)

2 months now and the bugs are endless. Just this weekend my system couldn’t find a stereo pair of Move speakers, one of a stereo pair of roam speakers just doesn’t have any sound and my sound bar under my TV doesn’t have any volume control. 

these guys suck!!!! 


Sadly, same issue for me since the update. I’ve tried all the suggested “fix’s” which haven’t worked. Each and every time I open the app “system not found”. So, start it all again and set up system only for it to disappear when I close the app. 

Sadly, I resorted to selling my Move’s and will now look elsewhere for speakers. Real shame as they sounded great and were used lots in the garden (before the absolute sh*tshow of an app update). 

Currently researching other brands. Hopefully they get their act together for you all but for me, I’m out. 

@Andigalls: Unfortunately, abandoning the Sonos ship is going to be a last, desperate resort for those of us who have invested thousands in multiple stereo pairs of Sonos speakers, including Fives and SUBs. I really do not want to kiss off three stereo pairs and a SUB that ran about $3,000.

It’s amazing to me that Sonos steadfastly refuses to provide the most straightforward solution for those of us who have been unable to enjoy using our speakers for about six weeks and counting: Let us revert to the prior version of the Sonos controller app until Sonos has worked all of the bugs out of the ‘updated’ app.

All, I found something that looks promising to me. Remember that i mentioned that i wired the network port of my Sonos One, started and using the app, and then disconnected the network cable from Sonos One, and i was able to continue using the app over WiFi. That worked, but only for a limited type like less than a day.

Now I dit the same. But changed one setting on my iPhone. I disabled “private WIFi”, the feature that changes your iPhone MAC address every time. The app now stays connected for more than a week already.

If you still have the issue, just give this suggestion a try. You may be lucky as I am.

Why the MAC changes for security would bother the app for setup and connected systems is beyond me and I don’t know. Once the Sonos One system is setup and the app is connected, I expect the app to use the IP addresses only.



I was using the beta software as a tester through Testflight on my iPhone. Yesterday the testing phase finished and I was asked to delete the beta (which was working fine) and install the standard app. Now my system can’t be found. It’s working perfectly on my iPad so can’t be my network. Weird and very frustrating. 

The “disable private WiFi” on my iPhone solution continues to work great for me already for two weeks now. But I had to wire one of the Sonos One speakers for a short while after I had replaced my router in my network. After that, the app found my system again. No re-configuration or setting changes were required. The app version is 80.05.04 which was updated a day ago.


Since I updated my Sonos app I‘m not able to connect to my Sonos System.


My wife is still using the version before May 8th and everything runs perfect if I use her iPhone.


so…. My network (WiFi) and all my Sonos Speaker are working. For 100% it is because of the app update.


Is there anyone who can help or @SonosSupport… do you plan to push an update within the next days?

Hi, restart your modem then download the application-v2 (gold emblem) to your desktop, and see if you can get it going that way, I had success with this method. I had an issue where i could not play music from the mobile application (black emblem) on my android, everything else was functional.. This fixed it….

Unfortunately, the software has always left something to be desired.  We've always had quirky issues.  However, with the release of the major app update recently, our home's speakers are nearly useless.  The app in itself is such a convoluted mess and has stripped out any intuitive features it once had.  User experience for simply combining speakers, adjusting volume, assigning line-in to speakers, etc is such a non-intuitive process resulting in a lot of frustration. 
I wish it ended there.  The app no longer finds all speakers in the home.  The app no longer combines speakers when we tell it to.  The app will drop speakers after starting music and there's no way to turn the music off.  The app will not turn music on. The app will not adjust volumes when requested.  The app has significant lag and delay communicating to speakers.  The app plays music in rooms we never told it to.  
We are left with thousands of dollars of speakers with literal minds of their own and little way to control them.  Reading app reviews indicates this is a significant issue with anyone with Sonos products.  Do your supporters right, and eliminate this new app and revert back to what works until all of this mess is figured out. 

I second the delay/lag and functionality of communication on the app, since the update- it is horrible.

I’m sitting listening to my Era100 playing a little Schubert from the iPad while looking at the Sonos app on the IPad telling me there are no Sonos devices connected! I have spent hours today going around in circles clicking and typing, upgrading and downloading, resetting and restarting, switching and swearing, and then tonight I discovered the dreadful stream of complaints above in this conversation. If the good and expert people who have written above (including the Sonos staff) cannot make the thing work, what hope for me. My plan for streaming is shot - back to the 25 year old knobbed HiFi system and CDs I fear.

@Reid B 

you could always connect a WiiM mini or pro to your old hifi to stream your music and the application is good as well 😊

My Move 2 stereo pair is completely non functional. The app can’t find anything. Same WiFi network. Factory resets haven’t helped. I have two separate expensive Bluetooth speakers now. And Sonos, as a market leader, doesn’t have to care, and clearly they do not. Although their chat support has hours on Sunday, no one is currently available. What a great situation to be in. But people will keep buying, and Sonos will keep laughing at us. 

Good news folks, I finally got my little Era 100 operating. The first step was to turn off Apple’s Private Relay in Safari, as someone earlier suggested, though whether this helped I don’t know, as I still couldn't get the app to function properly. The second step was to get in touch with Sonos, whose bot transferred me to a chat person (Raul) who led me through the process of a factory reset, sending diagnostics, and checked that everything was in order (which it was, after the reset.) Yay, it’s working! I had previously tried the reset but presumable failed to do it all correctly, maybe not keeping the bluetooth switch depressed when restarting. Or maybe the Private Relay prevented something. I will turn Private Relay back on later in the week and see what happens. My guess is that the problem involved some sort of bluetooth/wifi confusion. Meanwhile, my thanks to Sonos for getting me going again. I may even buy a second Era100 for stereo purposes! To Skullc - yes I was planning to get a Wiim Pro Plus to link to the old gear and now have done so. So far so good - it’s working well.

Since the app update in May, my Sonos speakers disappear randomly, coming and going as they please.  Ironically, this seems to be the worst for the newer Era 300 speakers.  So frustrating.

Can Sonos please explain why they can not simply revert to the older App? It wasn't perfect but it was at least usable, and worked for many years.

I have been a Sonos customer since they were released around 2005, and this is crazy.  I don't know anything about class action lawsuits, but this seems like a candidate to me.  Selling speaker systems for thousands of dollars, then rendering them useless with a software update and refusing to fix them.

At a minimum we should pass a law enforcing all companies to guarantee the ability to revert to prior software/hardware versions if something goes wrong.