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Sonos Starts to Play When it Feels Like it .... serious

  • 9 September 2023
  • 2 replies

Good morning folks, been a while.

Have seen this is the past but only very occasional. But yesterday and this morning, it’s happening a few times.

I have a Tidal playlist (also saved as a Sonos playlist) with Tidal as the source. It’s been playing to two Amp’s that then feed to some B&W in-ceiling speakers in the lounge and bathroom.

But at odd times the past half day, both have started playing tracks out of an OST playlist at very random times.

So at about 5.30 this morning we had Nicolas Britell’s Succession Theme and then just past 6.00 Johann Johannsson’s ‘The Beast’ from Sicario. If you going to woke by anything, they are both great tracks to be woke by, but I’d rather have the choice. 😀

There have been no configuration changes or additions. SW is kept up to date and I’m not aware of any updates the last couple of days.

Interested if anyone has any procedures or solutions that I can look at to resolve this.

Many thanks in advance

Wait for it to happen and within a few minutes submit a diagnostic to Sonos. Contact support with the ID number and ask them to identify what started the playback.

I always suspect the cat, warm Sonos and touch pad controls do not go well together!

Wait for it to happen and within a few minutes submit a diagnostic to Sonos. Contact support with the ID number and ask them to identify what started the playback.

I always suspect the cat, warm Sonos and touch pad controls do not go well together!

Nice one Stanley …. yes great idea.

Yeah you do sort of start looking for odd connections. There is a load of bathroom electrical clutter on the shelf where the Amp hangs overhead …  but nothing new. And then a Roam on the table here by one of these USB Keto Breath measuring devices … you do look for the oddest things. We don’t even have a cat 😀

It could be worse. I was away a couple of weeks and left the car at the airport having played a superbly put together playlist. When I got back, there was a Taylor Swift track that played on repeat all the way from LHR to Beaconsfield when I turned the entire thing off! Still don’t know why. Car being used at a minicab while away?