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Sonos defaulting to one room

Hi all,

is anyone else having trouble since the new update?  We have sonos products in three different rooms in our house, all on same WiFi. Network.


since the recent changes every time we change a track it defaults to the same room even if we haven’t used or changed to those speakers.  We can be playing a track on one set of speakers but in the app it is showing a different track in the what I’ll call the default speakers (our dining room).    So every time we try to change what we’re listening to we have to change back to the speakers we want to use because it keeps defaulting.

my gut tells me this is linked to the new queue system which I think is awful.


anyone else got anything similar going on?  Its making us so frustrated.

Yes. It defaults to our main bedroom every time we input anything for another room. It will ultimately play in the room we want but stays on the main bedroom as well. Very frustrating. 

Same issue, frustrating. Have tried all the suggestions, but still defaults to my AMP. 

Nothing Ive tried works, same issue-its a bug. Its annoying, in my house it inexplicably daughters room. 

So obviously it just picked a default for everybody..

I’m having the same problem (and many others). This new app update is absolutely trash.

It seems to be working better once I just updated my system on the app.. it still defaults to one room, but it is now changing the first time. That may help some people, it’s not as annoying.


i had to attempt the upgrade a few times, but it finally worked.

I’m having the exact same problem as Angela2 and a few others on here. Defaulting to a bedroom everytime when I want to play music in the living room. After every song I choose I have to reselect the room- so frustrating. Why did they update the App to make it so much worse- not very user friendly or easy on the eye.