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Do you happen to remember Amiga computers? I grew up with one and that way got introduced into the world of multimedia, even before that word existed.

There actually still is a small but vital community around that system und there are even modern variants of the original AmigaOS 3, called AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS, both running on PPC hardware.

Out of passion for AmigaOS and its successors, I wrote a Sonos Controller for these OSes. It even works with AmigaOS 3.x running on 68k processors, but a fast one is highly recommended (040, 060 or with a vampire accelerator).

The feature set is not 100% complete (yet), but the most vital functions are all there.

Best of all: it’s totally free. Donations are welcome but absolutely voluntary.

Download links can be found here:



While I don’t have an Amiga (nor did I ever use one, was Apple ]  + all the way), I do admire the effort you’ve expended. Well done!

Ah, almost forgot: here are screenshots on the different systems:


AmigaOS 3.x


AmigaOS 4.1

As the GUI is based on MUI (Magic User Interface) the look can be styled quite individually with the MUI preferences.

You didn’t write this with Devpac did you? (I wrote Devpac for the Amiga).

You didn’t write this with Devpac did you? (I wrote Devpac for the Amiga).

Devpac is assembler, right? Unfortunately, assembler ist far too much for me. I did it totally on the other end of the scale of low/high languages: I used Hollywood ( to do it. I always wanted to learn that language and was thinking of something that doesn’t yet exist for AmigaOS. And because I already was familiar with the Sonos-API because of another project of mine called SonoSaver (see done in C#, I found writing an Amiga SonosController a good thing to get into the language. Nice thing is, with Hollywood you can compile for a wide range of OSes, both modern and retro. I could easily compile it for macOS PPC if need arises, just as an example.
