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Sonos champion now unable to recommend the brand

  • 8 July 2024
  • 1 reply

I was a very early adopter and champion of Sonos. I’ve always loved the industrial design of the hardware, the ease of use from setup to daily use and the integration strength. I’ve got a house full of your products including two full home theaters and zones in almost every room. Your recent app updates have made things slower, harder to use and removed (or broke) key features. I’m an early adopter and willing to take some usability pain, but never felt I had to with Sonos.

Ease of use was so strong with Sonos that for years, I’ve been buying my older parents Sonos equipment because of how much my Mom loves music. In my recent trip to see them over the 4th, they were at a loss with the most recent app usability. Complex, cluttered, hard to navigate with the same laggy response to things like volume that I’ve also experienced. I was embarrassed that a brand that I introduced them to, had failed to provide a usable, accessible product for them to use. In the short term, I was able to get her using Spotify natively, but I’m hoping that Sonos takes the usability and accessibility of their app seriously, and makes a leapfrog improvement here. 

You seem to have lost your way and I’m hopeful you do more than put out lip-service statements about how courageous your update was. It was just poorly envisioned, poorly executed and you need to prioritize usability and accessibility much higher like you did in the early days.

1 reply

Userlevel 2

I was a very early adopter and champion of Sonos. I’ve always loved the industrial design of the hardware, the ease of use from setup to daily use and the integration strength. I’ve got a house full of your products including two full home theaters and zones in almost every room. Your recent app updates have made things slower, harder to use and removed (or broke) key features. I’m an early adopter and willing to take some usability pain, but never felt I had to with Sonos.

Ease of use was so strong with Sonos that for years, I’ve been buying my older parents Sonos equipment because of how much my Mom loves music. In my recent trip to see them over the 4th, they were at a loss with the most recent app usability. Complex, cluttered, hard to navigate with the same laggy response to things like volume that I’ve also experienced. I was embarrassed that a brand that I introduced them to, had failed to provide a usable, accessible product for them to use. In the short term, I was able to get her using Spotify natively, but I’m hoping that Sonos takes the usability and accessibility of their app seriously, and makes a leapfrog improvement here. 

You seem to have lost your way and I’m hopeful you do more than put out lip-service statements about how courageous your update was. It was just poorly envisioned, poorly executed and you need to prioritize usability and accessibility much higher like you did in the early days.

Well said!
