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SONOS Article - The Independent 25th May 2024

  • 26 May 2024
  • 4 replies

According to an article in The Independent yesterday (25th May 2024) SONOS says “it is “moving quickly” to improve its new app, after an update that led to widespread outcry”.

In addition..”It said that it was “fixing bugs and performance issues” while working to add features back into the app. A new update, released earlier this week, brings back support for Apple accessibility features, the option to play music from a local library and the option to add and edit alarms, for instance.”

“Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do,” the company said. “We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.”

Anybody got the update and installed it?. I checked yesterday, and several times this morning, but no sign of any updates to V80 of the App or V16.2 on my Mac (I’m in the UK if that makes any difference to a release).

More smoke and mirrors from Mr Spence me-thinks while he surveys the pile of money we’ve given him!!

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4 replies

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as far as i can tell the last updatewas relased on May 21st and the version number is 80.01.30 (IOS) .

Got the update on May 21, running it right now.  Nothing to see here (nice try at the FUD, though.  I especially like the bold and highlighted font.  When you don't have the truth, make sure the lie is dressed up to catch attention)

Option to play music from a local library

Which library? Oh, that one on a smbv2/3 NAS.

That's fixed then.   Nothing to see here, move on


< sigh >

June 2, 2024 Went to see if the new “update” solved my problem...nope. Moved into a new apartment May 10, and with me came my old Sonos one, where I then purchased a brand new beam in hopes to synch my devices together. Because I am in a new space, with a new router I am being forced to do a software update on my Sonos one, the beam had no issues as that is a brand new device. Currently doing the update now and it is ¾ done after 2 hours of updating which means nothing will happen- dead end again and hours lost. I have a device I cannot use because of these bugs. The app is up to date (when I go to the Apple Store it does not give me an option to update). This is insane that no one can use their old devices due to this force update that no one can get passed. These are expensive devices and thankfully I only have one. Many people own dozens through out their space. When will this be fixed? This in my opinion is the largest issue. I don't care about how the app works and what the features are, what features were lost or gained, what I care about is being able to actually use the device I paid for. It currently is an expensive paper wait that is a giant waist of my time. 

Please reply with a status update when this will be fixed. This is insane

(Also I paid Best Buy to install both my devices in my apartment. They couldn't update it (obviously) but at the time I didn't know why. I paid them to do nothing. a couple hundred bucks lost because of this insanity).