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Hi everyone!
I updated the SONOS App and have been experiencing several peoblems since.
I had an alarm clock that started playing music every morning with the old app. Since the update the alarm clock does not work anymore and I cannot find it in the new app anymore.
Furthermore, I usually listen to a radio station via Radioplayer, but it does not work. There is always a error message (without saying what error it is).
I’d really appreciate your help, especially since I practically do not/cannot use SONOS at the moment.
Thank you!

Alarms are being added back in later, sonos has a roadmap for updates.

Thank you for your response. I suppose the same is true for Radioplayer, since it is currently not working.


Thank you for your help. Found everything and it is working again 😊

How did you get radioplayer to work?

To be honest I didn't, but I found my favourite radio stations on Sonos Radio.

Thanks, I want to play greatest hits radio on mine but can’t find a way to do it. 

Have you tried over myTuner Radio? 

Thanks, that worked.  

This new app design is horrific. I can't find anything. Can we roll back to the older version? 

Moi je tente de retrouver l'application sonos jaune avec sonos  inscrit dessus 

Has anyone been able to add any new products to the new app. I received a sonos port on thrusday and have yet to be able to add it to my exisiting system. 

Has anyone been able to add any new products to the new app. I received a sonos port on thrusday and have yet to be able to add it to my exisiting system. 

I received a the Roam after the app was updated. After a week of trying I sent it back. 
Cannot believe the company and Product team from Sonos dropping the ball so badly on this upgrade. 
Did they even talk to customers about what we loved and the simplicity of the previous app. Now it’s a cluster and you cannot find anything or add anything. 
I feel terribly bad for the folks having way more issues that I had. 

I hear the company believes that it took courage to release a massive update to their application. Not sure I would agree, but what would really be courageous is admitting that they released a very, very buggy version of their new application and roll back to the previous version of S2 until they fix the defects and achieve a reasonable level of feature compatibility. 

Also, apologize to your head of QA for pushing out an application that they told you was not ready or fire them for telling you it was.

The new update is terrible. Functions were lost and trying to increase or decrease volume when connected to two different areas does not work.

I HATE the new Sonos app.  I can’t get the new app to keep us with music that I’m playing.  I’m struggling to pair devices.  I paid thousands to have 7 different Sonos devices in my house that I now want to go replace!

I agree... it is worthless. I wish they would let us go back to the previous update

I agree... it is worthless. I wish they would let us go back to the previous update

Use APKmirror for android, version 16.1 (arm64-v8a for newest models). No idea if you can do the same with apple phones.

Just got an email from Sonos: ‘Our most requested product is coming soon.’ Is it an app that works?

Just got an email from Sonos: ‘Our most requested product is coming soon.’ Is it an app that works?

Probably the headphones they rushed out the new app for. 

Sonos dropped the ball on the latest Android update. I'm very disappointed in the length of time they have allowed this to continue without a recall or fix.

I hear the company believes that it took courage to release a massive update to their application. Not sure I would agree, but what would really be courageous is admitting that they released a very, very buggy version of their new application and roll back to the previous version of S2 until they fix the defects and achieve a reasonable level of feature compatibility. 

Also, apologize to your head of QA for pushing out an application that they told you was not ready or fire them for telling you it was.

What a disaster. This ‘upgrade’ strips out anything I liked about Sonos. I’m having trouble doing basic things like controlling the volume and changing music sources. I got shit playing everywhere in the house that’s not supposed to play. Forget about finding features like EQ. Buried. And now missing features will be re-introduced in the coming months? How is this progress. What are the new features? What am I missing???

I HATE the new Sonos app.  I can’t get the new app to keep us with music that I’m playing.  I’m struggling to pair devices.  I paid thousands to have 7 different Sonos devices in my house that I now want to go replace!

Same. Absolute disaster. 


Alarms are being added back in later, sonos has a roadmap for updates.

A roadmap for adding back removed features???! How is that progress? Sgh. 

I emailed the company director three days ago and this my message and the obvious generic response -

Good Day Patrick,

I am sure you must now be aware that your latest 'Best Ever Update' for your audio products is anything but the best.
Like thousands of others I am now unable to use your audio system at all. My extensive music files are no longer recognised after the recent update.
I am apalled at your company's lack of concern regarding this issue, your company's inability to offer any viable method of contact in order to elicit some assistance, and no portal with which those of us without a working SONOS system can effect a roll back to a a working software package.

Your product was expensive but very good value, now it is basically a peice of useless junk.

Kind Regards

Mike Roberts


and the response -


First, we’d like to thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us and with our CEO, Patrick. We’ve received a great deal of feedback thus far, on both the improvements made as well as where we fell short. We expect that feedback will continue to roll in, so we’ll be working through it all in the coming weeks. We also recognize that there is more work to be done on the Sonos App, and want to provide you with an update.

We’re happy to share that we delivered a software update on May 14 reintroducing the ability to add and edit alarms, as well as initial screen reader improvements for iOS VoiceOver that will allow users to more easily navigate the app. If you are missing these features, ensure that your Sonos App and products are all up to date:

Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and addressing performance issues:

-Additional improvements for screen readers for visually impaired customers: May 21
-Adding to queue and playing next: early June
-Sleep timer: mid-June
-Local music library search and playback: mid-June
-Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June

Thank you again for sharing your feedback with us. We’re working hard to bring these features to the new Sonos App quickly. If you are experiencing an issue with your Sonos System, feel free to visit these helpful resources, or get in contact with us:

-Sonos Community:
-Sonos App User Guide:
-Sonos Support Home:
-Sonos Support Contact:

Kind Regards,
The Sonos Customer Experience Team


Obviously no one at SONOS has actually read my email otherwise they would have responded using my name. I’m guessing they have had so many messages of complaint regarding this issue that they merely press a response button without any further todo as to the complainants issues or concerns.

Nothing like heartfelt customer support is there. Good old Patrick will get into his Bentley Continental and drive home to his multi million dollar mansion oblivious as to the destruction his company has wreaked on the rest of us mere mortals.