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Sonos App Not Working on Iphone

  • 11 July 2024
  • 9 replies

I am now going to ditch Sonos products as they are causing too much stress.  All I want to do is play music and the App never works, speakers don’t work, it is absolute total rubbish.  Anyone who mentions Sonos to me I tell them to steer well clear - it is a total disappointment.

In the same boat since the new app was launched. Speaks dropping in and out, sometimes music plays then cuts out, hard to link rooms together, basically everything is broken and laggy. Have just been onto Sonos support over voice chat and they have said they are aware and to bear with them. Ive hardly used my stem over the last 2 months because of this. 20+ speakers and a Sonos user for 12 years, so not really an option for me to ditch and move elsewhere. 

I am now going to ditch Sonos products as they are causing too much stress.  All I want to do is play music and the App never works, speakers don’t work, it is absolute total rubbish.  Anyone who mentions Sonos to me I tell them to steer well clear - it is a total disappointment.

Play:1 and Play:3 are listed in your profile. They were discontinued some while back. Yet you’ve never joined the forums til now? Or sought help for a system that “never works”? 

Not only is the system a disappointment but also the attitude of reply from Sonos.  The apps have always been temperamental - I switch off and move to my Sony speakers which are superb.  The new app is hopeless and just reaching out to confirm this since trying and trying to get it working since May.

The frustration is beyond it with Sonos.  Thank you and goodbye.


Not only is the system a disappointment but also the attitude of reply from Sonos.  The apps have always been temperamental - I switch off and move to my Sony speakers which are superb.  The new app is hopeless and just reaching out to confirm this since trying and trying to get it working since May.

The frustration is beyond it with Sonos.  Thank you and goodbye.


There are many - myself included - that have had reliable systems for some years. I’ve used S1 and S2 and - except when a neighbour got a new router and caused some wifi interference for a while - I’ve had a reliable system. (That issue was addressed by using a different wifi channel on my router, if you care to know.) 


But there’s no point in me saying more. Clearly you’ve joined the community just to say goodbye, so farewell. 

Not only is the system a disappointment but also the attitude of reply from Sonos.  The apps have always been temperamental - I switch off and move to my Sony speakers which are superb.  The new app is hopeless and just reaching out to confirm this since trying and trying to get it working since May.

The frustration is beyond it with Sonos.  Thank you and goodbye.


There are many - myself included - that have had reliable systems for some years. I’ve used S1 and S2 and - except when a neighbour got a new router and caused some wifi interference for a while - I’ve had a reliable system. (That issue was addressed by using a different wifi channel on my router, if you care to know.) 


But there’s no point in me saying more. Clearly you’ve joined the community just to say goodbye, so farewell. 

Nik, from all the online research that I have been doing it sounds like the main culprit in many of the app problems seem to be the wifi connection.  Do you agree?

In the same boat since the new app was launched. Speaks dropping in and out, sometimes music plays then cuts out, hard to link rooms together, basically everything is broken and laggy. Have just been onto Sonos support over voice chat and they have said they are aware and to bear with them. Ive hardly used my stem over the last 2 months because of this. 20+ speakers and a Sonos user for 12 years, so not really an option for me to ditch and move elsewhere. 

Note the new Sonos App is merely a remote control for your Sonos products. It is not a music player. So if you were to stream/play some music to a speaker, or group, via the App UI - it will play direct from your chosen audio source to your Sonos ‘rooms’. Once playback begins, you could just fully close the Sonos App and even power off your mobile device and the music should continue.

If the audio breaks up, or cuts out, in any way, then it’s unlikely anything to do with the new Sonos App. It’s more likely a local LAN/WAN issue beteeen the audio source and speaker(s). Quite often a network/speaker-system reboot can ‘sometimes’ resolve that issue, but if not, then maybe see this Sonos Support link too…

Nik, from all the online research that I have been doing it sounds like the main culprit in many of the app problems seem to be the wifi connection.  Do you agree?


Sonos certainly makes far greater demands on a network than, say a printer. To stream continuous streams of music is challenging - your ears will pick up missing data (or the song will skip) whilst the printer simply gets the missing data packet resent. A “fast” network is not the only requirement. Auto channel hopping can cause problems, as can combined 2.4/5ghz networks. Setting fixed ip addresses also helps. 

I’m not saying a network is the sole problem, but a few simple steps has certainly helped many users in the past. 

FYI - Deleted the app and downloaded a fresh copy and everything now works.

Sonos certainly makes far greater demands on a network than, say a printer. To stream continuous streams of music is challenging - your ears will pick up missing data (or the song will skip) whilst the printer simply gets the missing data packet resent. A “fast” network is not the only requirement. Auto channel hopping can cause problems, as can combined 2.4/5ghz networks.

Hi @nik9669a, you are absolute correct that Sonos makes greater demands on a network that a printer. Even more so with the new app and new APIs, as explained here …

Just wanted to clarify two points for those curious …

  1. Sonos and networked printers both use the TCP protocol that ensures transmission via retries. Audible dropouts occur when a Wi-Fi connection is particularly awful, often the result of radio frequency interference.
  2. Wi-Fi does not perform auto channel hopping. Once a Wi-Fi channel is selected it is fixed for a good long time.

Lastly, I completely agree that those with the ability to do so are well served by assigning static IP addresses for each Sonos device!
