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Songs stop playing at end of songs

  • 22 December 2023
  • 1 reply

I submitted diagnostics, 93086920

Same issue as I’ve seen reported several times in other posts (with no definitive answer) - Songs stop playing at end of songs. Continues playing on my Play 1, stops playing on the Connect. Pretty consistent today, goes silent for the last 10-15 seconds (same as reported by numerous other users).

I’m playing from the hard drive on my laptop. I have over 38000 songs in the shuffle playlist (which it won’t let me save, I believe I read several years ago that Sonos tries to save the playlist in memory, and there’s not enough memory in the first generation speakers). Therefore, any time the system glitches, it dumps the playlist and I have to reshuffle again (which results in hearing the same songs again sooner than I would like).


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1 reply

Since Sonos Support doesn’t monitor these forums, just a few forum moderators, you may want to call Sonos Support directly to discuss that diagnostic.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.