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I get the message “Something went wrong.  Try again.”  for almost everything I do.  I mostly use “Favorites” and”Recently played” from the Sonos Home Screen but neither work at all since the uograde app.  Any time I try to play a selection in either of these sections I get the message “Something went wrong.  Try again.”


Furthermore, Recently played previously listed the most recent Recently played selection but now presents in some other order so I have to look for the last Most recently played which, once I find it, does not play anyway and results in “Something went wrong.  Try again.”!

My workaround is to go into music services and find what I want to play an play it from there.  Which defeats the purpose of having a Favorites and Recently played option!  It’s like having an old car stereo with buttons to save your station that only save the frequency but you must manually tune to that frequency each time.

its bad enough to have all my Favorites and Recentjy played showing up but never working.  Now try to explain  the workaround to my 85 year old partner.  Ultimately, I am the only one in my household now that can play music on our Sonos system which is particularly difficult when I am not home to assist with this. 

Sonos- I’ve been a fan for many years but your release of this latest update has killed my confidence in you.  This release was clearly not ready!  It is better to have no release than one that eliminated the most basic of key features in favor of a cool looking configurable Home Screen that no longer invokes the very point of the options on the screen.  Sonos is a music system - not a screen app that looks pretty.  Unfortunately the app no longer play music at the push of a button - you now must re-configure it each turn me you want to play a selection.

1920s functionality with a really cool looking idea of how it COULD work on your phone - just does not work!


I have the same Something went wrong Try again problem. After the last update the application seemed to work a little better, but after 20 mins I started to get the Something went wrong Try again error no matter what I tried. Went through the various reset restarts etc.. still not working no matter what steaming service I tried.

After ~30 mins The other streaming service just started working, but Apple still gives the Something went wrong. Try again. error. 

I too am getting the try again with Apple Music. I hope it gets fixed soon. 

I was on the phone with Sonos Support and they said they’re getting a lot of feedback from people having trouble with Apple Music. 

I Deleted and Reinstalled Sonos and Did a complete removal and reconnect of Apple Music on Sonos. Same error.  Checked Apple site status and it is listed as up.

I also set up Sonos on my iPhone and I get the same error there for Apple Music.

Amazon music, Pandora, and other music services seem to be working.


There is an issue currently with Apple Music. See

If you’re having issues with other streaming companies, and getting that error, it’s likely a local network issue. I’d recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the Support staff, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.


Apple Music was working once I got up this morning. All is well.

Sadly, me too. It has been working ok, not great by any means but worked. Today everything is something went wrong try again. I had this when they they released the app, then it was fixed and I figured out the bizarre interface, but now it is back to just broken completely. 

I’m thinking of returning this whole system to them. It is worse than useless as it is burning my time trying to get it to work. 

 Still get Something Went Wrong error message.  I held down on a 600+ track playlist I created on Apple Music then chose Play.  At that point the Something Went Wrong error pops up.  Around 10 seconds later the playlist loads into the queue in spite of the error.  Of course the command does not induce play even though that’s what I told it to do.  I have to touch play in the Now Playing screen.  After a bunch of herky-jerky start, stop go back to the beginning again and start playing it stabilizes.  So I decide to group another speaker with the one that’s playing at which point the wonky behavior begins again.  Not very smooth behavior.

 Now before the grouping Atmos was playing on speakers capable of Atmos and the Now Playing screen reported the stream as Dolby Atmos.  The speakers I grouped with the speakers doing the Atmos stream were NOT capable of playing Atmos.  Could the pause in the stream be due to the change from Atmos to Lossless?

 Looks like the above description is correct.  Just started a stream of some of my music in FLAC.  When I grouped with another speaker the grouping was seamless.  So a transition from Atmos to something else causes a pause in the stream.

 Back to Something Went Wrong… When I started the stream of the FLAC music in my library I used the same process where I hold down on the, in this case, playlist and choose Play from the context menu.  This time the Something Went Wrong error popped up and nothing happened.  When I opened the playlist and touched the Play icon the music started.  This app needs work.

Sadly, me too. It has been working ok, not great by any means but worked. Today everything is something went wrong try again. I had this when they they released the app, then it was fixed and I figured out the bizarre interface, but now it is back to just broken completely. 

I’m thinking of returning this whole system to them. It is worse than useless as it is burning my time trying to get it to work. 

The next day, it worked normally. Still quirky, but it worked without the error. Random stuff like this is very frustrating.

I’m continually getting the same with my music library and Plex, or it just doesn’t do anything.

This makes my Sonos system redundant! And this is with the latest updates.

What would people recommend as an alternative to Sonos?

I’ve been having the same problem for several months.  Today I attempted a fix:

  1. uninstall Sonos app from phone
  2. reinstall Sonos app to phone
  3. reconnect to Sonos system
  4. disconnect Apple Music from Your Services (under “Manage”)
  5. remove any links still showing in Sonos Favorites and Your Services that are tied to Apple Music
  6. clear Recently Played
  7. reconnect to Apple Music
  8. re-add playlists to Sonos Favorites as desired

doing this worked for me

iPhone 15 running iOS 18.1.1

Here's how I fixed my issue: I deleted the Sonos app, reinstalled it, and clicked on the Apple Music logo to check if the issue resolve.
