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“Something went wrong. Try again.” for almost everything.

I get the message “Something went wrong.  Try again.”  for almost everything I do.  I mostly use “Favorites” and”Recently played” from the Sonos Home Screen but neither work at all since the uograde app.  Any time I try to play a selection in either of these sections I get the message “Something went wrong.  Try again.”


Furthermore, Recently played previously listed the most recent Recently played selection but now presents in some other order so I have to look for the last Most recently played which, once I find it, does not play anyway and results in “Something went wrong.  Try again.”!

My workaround is to go into music services and find what I want to play an play it from there.  Which defeats the purpose of having a Favorites and Recently played option!  It’s like having an old car stereo with buttons to save your station that only save the frequency but you must manually tune to that frequency each time.

its bad enough to have all my Favorites and Recentjy played showing up but never working.  Now try to explain  the workaround to my 85 year old partner.  Ultimately, I am the only one in my household now that can play music on our Sonos system which is particularly difficult when I am not home to assist with this. 

Sonos- I’ve been a fan for many years but your release of this latest update has killed my confidence in you.  This release was clearly not ready!  It is better to have no release than one that eliminated the most basic of key features in favor of a cool looking configurable Home Screen that no longer invokes the very point of the options on the screen.  Sonos is a music system - not a screen app that looks pretty.  Unfortunately the app no longer play music at the push of a button - you now must re-configure it each turn me you want to play a selection.

1920s functionality with a really cool looking idea of how it COULD work on your phone - just does not work!


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19 replies

Userlevel 2

“Something went wrong.  Try again.”  Can’t play anything on first try. Can’t see anything on the new app that is better than before. 

I would like to know how many current sonos users are happy at the moment. Unfortunately sonos seem to be looking the other way and pointing at the fancy headphone and sending almost daily emails. Please get it fixed do I can use my existing system. I was just about to buy a sonos beam or arc to add to my system… way now with the way sonos are treating long term users. 

Userlevel 1

I am having the same issue - just started today.  I updated the app - still same issue.

Badge +1

Just taken delivery of a new ERA 300 and it won’t play Apple Music -  I read the following but have not a clue how to accomplish it? Spotify is working fine as is Amazon.

To sum up:

  1. Connecting the Apple Music to Sonos app
  2. Switching on Dolby Atoms in Auto and Forced ON mode in Music Settings (Settings/ Music/ Dolby Atmos)
  3. Played only Selected Dolby Atmos Playlist or Songs with Atmos.
  4. Spatial Audio need to be switched on in the System Settings of Sonos Speaker 
  5. Stream Dolby Atmos music from Apple Music directly from the Sonos app

I just added an Amp (#6 in my system). From the Sonos app, I’m unable to play anything. I receive the “Something went wrong. Try again later.” message. I can play to the Amp via Airplay 2 without issue.

I too am holding off on making a new purchase (Arc + 2x Era 300 + Sub) until and if this junk gets sorted out. 

Userlevel 1

Agree with all the above, also where has the queue  gone, used to sit behind whatever radio station was on, but now disappeared, keep having to play thru’ music app on airplay 🙄, the “new better app” also takes an age to do anything that was routine before, has Sonos issued any updates since the disastrous update last month??? 

Something went wrong. Try again later, has affected me also. I was looking forward to upgrading my system and using the new app, but it is a disaster. No other words for it. I'm unable to access any of my playlists on Deezer and the main deezer content does not load. This upgrade is useless. Functionality is the No 1 requirement for music system, not an unusable interface. I'm extremely disappointed 🤬

I have the same problem - anything I click on to try to play (radio, Spotify, tidal, etc) - something went wrong, try again

the thing that went wrong was the new app being released before proper testing!

I have to use my laptop or tablet to do anything now on my system

has anyone heard or seen any response or update from Sonos since all this started??? I’m getting to the point where I am ready to use my laptop or tablet to find a different system…..

Same for me, every time i go to play Spotify i get something went wrong please try again. This has only happened since updating the sonos app. 

Has anyone seen or heard any update from Sonos yet?

Has anyone seen or heard any update from Sonos yet?

You think they read this?  lol.  Several complaints about the same issue…..chirp

Moderator edit: Yes.

My new title for my song…”something went wrong try again later”. Unbelievably frustrating experience with Sonos. Awful update made my Move a paper weight. The only value my Sonos system offers is aggravation. Have to delete the app and reset router every time. 

Similar issue here. Got Apple Music Hits in my “Recently Played”. Tapping it only ends in “something went wrong”.

Selecting the station through Apple Music or favorites does work, but never through Recently Played. Other stuff like Albums or TuneIn stations do work though.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

I would like to know how many current sonos users are happy at the moment. Unfortunately sonos seem to be looking the other way and pointing at the fancy headphone and sending almost daily emails. Please get it fixed do I can use my existing system. I was just about to buy a sonos beam or arc to add to my system… way now with the way sonos are treating long term users. 


This sums up EXACTLY how I feel.

Did the app start working for a week or so for others and then this morning start back again with the “something went wrong” BS????

@SONOS you took AGES to admit you screwed up and acknowledge the frustrations of your customers. Then you fixed it only then break it again???


with all due respect, hire new QA testers and make sure your stuff works before rolling it out - and then don’t break it again! 😡😡😡

What are Sonos doing killing their brand. 

Badge +1

I feel your pain(s).

Does anyone from Sonos actually read these forms? Since the app update, my system just doesn’t work. It's total garbage. “Something went wrong, Try Again” for everything I try to play, yet I have one speaker on my network that randomly starts playing music by it’s self. The only way I can listen to something is to Airplay into a speaker. 

Same issue for me since last update a couple of days ago.


Insane, the amount of money I spent on this system and now the amount of time I’ve spent troubleshooting. Still cant play music.

Been having the 'something went wrong' for most linked radio stations. Someone mentioned location issues so I looked at the Sonos app Location Permissions on my android mobile - which I found Google had switched off as 'not being used'. When switched back on most of the radio services kicked back into life (though one needed removing and adding back in).