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sleep timer missing on new app

Why have Sonos removed the sleep timer function in the new App . This makes my speaker useless to me. 
   Waiting for a response from Sonos but if nothing forthcoming I will have to ditch it and change brands as I use it all the time. 

if you’re having the same issues please email Sonos as well, the more that do should hopefully make them take some action !! 

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142 replies

Userlevel 2

No sleep timer, no queuing, wonder what other delights this godawful upgrade will not be offering. Streaming reduced to something like playing a CD, cheers

Userlevel 1

Put the sleep timer and alarm back!!!! How the hell could anyone think removing them was a good idea!!! I used both every single day!! Are you crazy?

Who in the right mind authorized the release of the new app upgrade with out the sleep feature? 

Userlevel 2

Why change what was working fine? Another change by SONOS, who don’t care about users... Sleep time is a basic feature... now what? By the way, the design and ergonomic navigation suck on the new APP... A 50px border radius on full white in a mobile is ugly as hell, and I can't properly navigate to my favorites with that vertical and horizontal navigation. Poor choice and very unimpressed.

This has to be a mistake… right? I was about to buy a move or roam, but with sonos strangling functionality; it seems like a bad idea at this time. I know change takes time, but the UI isn’t as intuitive as the previous version. 

Userlevel 1

Its hard to imagine how the team at Sonos made the decision to omit the sleep timer from this release.  Like most of those on this thread, I use it nearly every night.  It's a basic function of almost any music listening device or service and need to be brought back ASAP.  For now I will try the verbal command to stop playing in X hours and hope that works.

I'm an Android user and having read about the issue with no sleep timer on iPhones, I switched off my auto update function in the settings.  I was so disappointed this morning when I noticed my app had been updated overnight and the sleep timer was gone!

I hope that those in charge at Sonos take note and thoroughly test any new releases with customers and take customer feedback into account before system wide releases.  I'm a long time user and love my Sonos.  This is giving me pause and I'm worried that as a company, we may be seeing the end of the Sonos that was so special.

Userlevel 1

It’s beginning to feel like the Sonos team doesn’t care. It’s a take it or leave it relationship. I am starting to regret this loyalty. Sleep timer of all basic things??? They should review their QI team. I won’t wake up from sleep to ask Alexa or Siri to turn off my unit.

Userlevel 1

Try emailing the CEO directly: and ask for a refund as some of the services aren’t available. If we all take to social media it will damage the value of the brand which may have an impact on the share price. Good luck!

Let me get this straight: you’d suggest harming the company because a feature is missing from the first release of a new software version? As a daily user of sleep timer I very much miss the feature but am ok to give them a few weeks to add it to the new app.

I am quite sure they are well aware of the impact and need to fast-track this. It’ll be #1 on the developer triage list.

Hopefully when sleep timer does return it will work better than it did before and see an end to ‘failed to set sleep timer’ errors.


Userlevel 3

So i realised that i had the old app on my tablet and used that to setup the sleep timer yesterday just to find today that the app updated after i made sure that the automatic updates were turned off. I can't belive we are effectively forced to use the crap update!

Please add the sleep timer again! It was buggy as hell before too so make it better than before! 

Userlevel 1

Why have Sonos removed the sleep timer function in the new App . This makes my speaker useless to me. 
   Waiting for a response from Sonos but if nothing forthcoming I will have to ditch it and change brands as I use it all the time. 

if you’re having the same issues please email Sonos as well, the more that do should hopefully make them take some action !! 

I just emailed sonos. I need the sleep timer back!

I got the following reply back yesterday having mailed ceo Patrick:


”Thank you for reaching out. We understand your concern around Sonos Alarms and Sleep Timers. Rest assured that our product development team is working to reimplement these features in the coming weeks.”


I am sure we’ll see the functionality back soon 🙏🏻




Userlevel 2

Not the most convenient or the best solution, but I found out that the Windows Desktop App still has a sleep timer that you can set by room… Oh well... I had gotten used to using only the mobile and tablet app and had almost forgotten about the desktop app... SONOS is making me go back in time. I will delay updates for this app on Windows, hoping that SONOS will come to its senses.


Userlevel 3

I’m not sure that management at Sonos pays much attention to their user’s preferences. They have a long history of rolling out apps that infuriate their existing customers and deflect potential new customers (e.g. S1 and S2). Are there any Sonos developer grown-ups paying attention to this thread? I doubt it. Problem for me is, I have thousands of dollars invested in their products and no clear competitor to move to should I decide to abandon everything. However, I’m looking, as I expect many others are too. 

Why have Sonos removed the sleep timer function in the new App . This makes my speaker useless to me. 
   Waiting for a response from Sonos but if nothing forthcoming I will have to ditch it and change brands as I use it all the time. 

if you’re having the same issues please email Sonos as well, the more that do should hopefully make them take some action !! 

I too can no longer find sleep or alarm timers. In actual fact the the new App appears to be a retrograde step backwards from the previous version. 

Userlevel 2

This has to be a mistake… right? I was about to buy a move or roam, but with sonos strangling functionality; it seems like a bad idea at this time. I know change takes time, but the UI isn’t as intuitive as the previous version. 

Not a good time to buy. Knowing what I know now I would have gone other way,  thousands of dollars in the whole

I have six Sonos systems (+30 products)... totally unacceptable, it is one of the most used features Nonsense

You can still use the sleep timer on iOS, even with the new Sonos app. I use it every night and never touch the Sonos app. You’ll need an app called Soro ( £7.99). You can then create an iOS Shortcut to run the sleep timer and optionally make Sonos do a bunch of other things at the same time, with one click. 

Happy to share a shortcut for anyone who needs it.

Sonos, I have been a software developer for 44 years now and one thing I’ve learned is that once you deliver a feature to your customers, you must never take it away. I’ve put up with a lot of clumsily rolled out “improvements” from Sonos over the past eight years, but rolling out a new version without my sleep timer was so bad, I honestly cannot recommend your product to anyone anymore. You’ve really let us down on this one. Shame on you!

Userlevel 1

I just sent a note to the CEO. This is totally unacceptable. I use the alarm daily and it’s missing too. 

if you feel th same and are inclined to write, it’s

At least give a warning and a path back to the previous app. 

I HATE THE NEW APP! It looks messy! You have to page through so many screens to find the controls and options. The group volume is buggy… and bring back the sleep timer!

I’m sorry but I just don’t understand how an intelligent (presumably) professional development team can leave off something as fundamental as a timer for a music system, particularly when the previous edition of the app had one. This is kindergarten stuff! And it is obviously not going down well with loyal SONOS fans. Looks like it might be time to upgrade to BOSE...

I’m yet another disgruntled user - in relation to the new ‘improved’ app!!

2 words - SLEEP TIMER

Love my Sonos products but the app is now terrible!!

Why does everyone these days have to ‘fix’ things that aren’t broken?! 🤷🏻‍♂️

Userlevel 1

Does anybody at SONOS read these comments, would they like to explain why and whether it may come back the timer function? before we all more to another brand - at more cost to many

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

It‘s back. From: 


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We never intended to ship without Alarm Settings.

(I am copying this in since the threading is difficult to follow here)

On the morning of the app launch, we discovered a data corruption error around the new Alarms APIs. The corruption could cause alarms to go off in the wrong room at the wrong volume with the wrong content! In order to save your alarms, we made the difficult decision to remotely disable the alarm settings feature and then completely lock it out. It allowed us to make sure your alarms stayed as they were - but at the steep cost of taking away your ability to change them yourself.

The team rallied to make sure we could turn this feature back on safely. You can have Alarm Settings back right now!

  1. Update your app to:
    1. iOS: 80.00.08 - available now in the App Store
    2. Android: 80.00.05 - available now in the Play Store
  2. Update your firmware to 79.0-52294 - available now via the Sonos App:
    1. Tap the settings gear in the top right
    2. Select “Manage” next to your system name
    3. Select System Updates
    4. Select Check for Updates
  3. Launch the Sonos app twice in order to guarantee we fetch the latest feature flags:
    1. Start the Sonos app
    2. Force quit the app
    3. Start the Sonos app again

Moderator edit: Note - this relates to Alarms and not to Sleep Timers (which are the topic of this thread).

I did these steps but still don’t find a timer. What am I missing?