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Just updated the new Sonos App, cannot find the sleep function!!! Where is it please?

I can’t find it either … 

Same, need this back asap or need the old app back

Same here …and as an System administrator - the new design is horrible! Whoever thought this is good should be fired…

On another thread it was stated that the timer is only available on the desktop app.

Also you can't adjust the volume with a numerical indicator of the level anymore. Updated on Android, will try to block the update on my iPhone until they add all the features back in or rollback the changes.

Can’t find it either. Support function is useless. 

I can’t find it either. Support???

Looks like I won’t be going to sleep with this app anymore.
It’s bad enough that the desktop app became obsolete,
but this is gone too. Took a long time to find the numerical
volume again. I think this is the last straw. I’m selling this crap.

Yep, looks like they have removed it for some unknown reason, it’s probably the main function I use all the time, so this renders the speaker useless and unless it’s brought back asap I will have no choice but to leave the Sonos gathering dust in the corner and get a different brand that lets you sleep or wake up to music. 
  Your app developers need to understand your audience and this new app isn’t that great. 

C’mon Sonos - lots of us use the sleep function - where is it on your app update ????


As updates go this is shockingly awful. Sleep timer gone, alarm function missing. I wish I could do my day job this poorly and still get paid.

I guess this is the same as the alarm function,
but has anyone noticed that radio shows you had
programmed for a specific day/time are also gone?


How do I remove already existing timers/alarms which where set before the upgrade?

If you DO NOT have an “SL” speaker, there is a decent workaround for the sleep timer. Just say “Hey Sonos, turn music off in (fill in the blank) minutes.” Works great. Too bad that the technical support people do not know there product well enough to suggest this to everyone that has posted this problem.

WTH Sonos!  How could sleep be removed. Just put it back, please.