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I have audio recordings of children’s books I’ve made for my kids. I have it set up so I can stream them from my Drobo 5N2 media server. This works well for things like Plex on my smart TV, but I am having issues with streaming audio to Sonos. It works well most of the time, but then will suddenly skip the current track and start playing the next one. I have confirmed that it is inconsistent whether a given track is skipped, and there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with the media files.

Here is my diagnostic number: 783586731. The Play:1 device is called “Playroom” that has been skipping the tracks.

Thank you.

Your best bet, after submitting a diagnostic, is to call Sonos support. Those of us in this community don’t have access to your diagnostic data.

However, if I were to guess, you’ve probably got some wifi interference going on, where the speakers are losing contact to your router, and consequently when they get reconnected, they’re re-sending the start of the track, whether it’s the current one, or the next one. 

In addition to the linked FAQ, I’d also recommend a rather simple reboot of your network, by unplugging all Sonos device from power, then rebooting the router. Once the router comes back up, plug back in the Sonos devices, give them a minute to reboot and reconnect, and then do more testing.