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SiriusXM "unable to browse music" on iPhone.

For the last two days I have been unable to access SiriusXM on my iPhone. It also happened a few days ago for most of the day but it came back up. I found topics covering with the same issue from a year or more ago but nothing current. I tried the solutions that were suggested in these historical topics but none worked. It also happened a few days ago for most of the day but it came back up the following day. The SONOS status shows that SiriusXM is working but not for me.

Anyone else having this issue currently and any suggestions as to a solution?


Thank you.

I was able to solve my problem by unplugging all of my Sonos devices from the wall. Plugging them back in after 30 seconds, and allowing them to boot.


Once i did this both my PC controller and iPhone controller were able to browse music on SiriusXM again.

Can now report that I fixed the problem. I had forgotten that the iPhone Sirius/XM app has a different log-in and password from the online version. Once I figured that out I was able to reinstall the iPhone SiriusXM app, then remove and re-add the SiriusXM entry on Sonos. Now it’s back as it was before. It’s annoying, but now, at least, fixable.

Sirius XM “Unable to browse music” started about a week ago, after installing Apple Music,

Sirius XM works in my vehicle fine, tried reloading both sirius xm and removing apple music, no change.

just sent diagnostic report confirmation number is: 1295177757

Same problem here, and now the Sirius/XM app on my iPhone is stuck in the authentication stage and has been pulsing for the last ten minutes. Still ‘unable to browse’...

Now everything is miraculously working.  Did the delete, reset the password, all that. Still don’t know if it’s a Sirius prob or not.  With Covid and all, it’s up to our community rather than Sonos to fix things.  Thanks for all of your suggestions.


Just did a lot of the above and it now works on my iPhone but not on my Mac.  On my Mac, it shows the song playing but I can’t select anything other than that song.  Cannot see the channels, etc.

Per a suggestion I saw elsewhere, I deleted the Sirius service on Sonos and then added it back - this seemed to do the trick, for now.

Well, without explanation, I finally had a chance to check again this evening and my SiriusXM appears to be working again through SONOS but with an updated look. Hopefully, it will stay that way for a while now.


Thanks all who chimed in. I am sorry I have no definitive “solution” other than patience to offer those who are still having the same issue!




I too have the same problem from my iPhone controller and PC controller. Unable to browse music frrom SiriusXM on my Sonos products. I am located in Ontario, Canada.

My problem cleared up by itself this morning. I live in Michigan and believe the problem may have been caused by an update on my iPhone Sonos controller.

Is this a sonos or sirius issue?  does anyone know?


Again, the same symptom can be caused by different issues, so what worked for that user may not be exactly the same as what works for you. 

I did have and still have the same problem as described above


Interesting. Did Sonos release some new software that I missed? Or did SiriusXM fix their servers? Or was the issue you had somewhere within your own LAN? It’s unfortunate that there are so many potential causes to any single symptom. 

I did recently do an update but the issue was there before and remained. I am able to log into SiriusXM on the same device and stream without issue. 

This issue has been resolved on the morning of October 5, 2020. 

Did you do something in particular to resolve this? I am still unable to browse SiriusXM. I am not sure where you are or if it makes a difference but I am in Canada.

Interesting. Did Sonos release some new software that I missed? Or did SiriusXM fix their servers? Or was the issue you had somewhere within your own LAN? It’s unfortunate that there are so many potential causes to any single symptom. 

This issue has been resolved on the morning of October 5, 2020. 

Also experiencing this issue. Has been the case since Friday 10/2

I have had the same problem with my Sonos Playbase.

I have had the same issue all weekend.  Would appreciate any help, Sonos!

I have the same problem starting two days ago. I reloaded Sirius and tried to reboot the Sonos. Nothing fixed it so far. Any hints out there or maybe from Sonos?

I don’t have a solution for you, but you’re not alone.