Simple ? - How to turn off

  • 5 February 2005
  • 58 replies

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58 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +1
Here's another angle on this discussion. I have a Connect:Amp on the nightstand next to my bed. Although there is no clear evidence of possible harm, I nevertheless do not care to have a wireless device active so close to my head for 8 hours every night. A simple on/off switch would be quite desirable. For those who have suggested just pulling the plug - please - no one makes that argument for other electric and electronic devices. It's a pain. In my case, the outlet is under the bed and not easily accessible, and pulling the wire from the back of the amp would necessitate letting it drop to the floor behind the nightstand, or attaching it to something. Why should we have to bother? For those who say networking devices do not need to be turned off - even my Asus router has an on/off switch.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Here's another angle on this discussion. I have a Connect:Amp on the nightstand next to my bed. Although there is no clear evidence of possible harm, I nevertheless do not care to have a wireless device active so close to my head for 8 hours every night. A simple on/off switch would be quite desirable. For those who have suggested just pulling the plug - please - no one makes that argument for other electric and electronic devices. It's a pain. In my case, the outlet is under the bed and not easily accessible, and pulling the wire from the back of the amp would necessitate letting it drop to the floor behind the nightstand, or attaching it to something. Why should we have to bother? For those who say networking devices do not need to be turned off - even my Asus router has an on/off switch.

Look, with the greatest of respect, don't come on here and suggest you are concerned your Connect might fry your brain and then dismiss switching it off at the wall as "a pain".
I have 2 fives in a stereo pair. Wonderful but the power issue bothered me as well. I'm old school so I fitted an inline torpedo switch into the power line to kill the power and act as a reset switch. Job done 😃
Userlevel 7
Badge +21
Or get one of these in line switches for figure of 8 leads
Neat little device but I put my switch into the line that feeds both speakers so it turns both on/off simultaneously. Plus I already had all the connectors in my tool box. But thanks for the suggestion.