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Selling the new Sonos Ace...or delivering the basic product, multi-room sound with an app THAT WORKS?

  • 31 May 2024
  • 2 replies

As stated in other forums around here, I’m one of the hundreds of thousands (millions?) of loyal customers who been disconnected from my Sonos-system since the launch of the new app.

I’m so god damn’ frustrated. I cant understand how a tech-company with the mission statement: “ Help the world listen better”, how on earth they could agree (someone must have decided) to go forward and launch this app from hell??? An app that leaves the systems totally useless for some, and for others just strips them from minimum functions (add to queue?)

And I think the answer to why, is very obvious, since we’ve all been bombarded with email marketing and commercials telling us to buy the new revoulutionizing headphones Sonos I understand it, totally normal headset without the connectivity to the existing Sonos speakers, but with the ability to connect to a soundbar and therefore use it while watching 


But regardless of how unimaginative I think these new headphones sounds, I still cant understand how freaking tone-deaf you act as a company, when you continue to bombarde us with the news about Sonos Ace, it fills half of your website landingpages now and on the same time, we - your loyal customers who have bought and bought your speakers, we are just left with a big nothing?

I finally won in your support-chat (I’ve been kicked out so many times after hours in line). I really hoped that you had a work-around to the never ending update-loop-hell, and I did all your supprt-assitant told me to, on different devices, on and on, moved to Windows Desktop app and back on devices...and then in the end I was left with the statement that you actually dont now what “Error 1000” is and what causes it, its just a general error-message and I’ll have to wait for “the nex few weeks” while your developers work their way...Why dont you just release a big and heartfelt apology and stop wasting even more of our time, giving us the impression that if we just keep at it, we can get our system back to funtioning?!!?!?

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2 replies

Well now I’ve found out that apologies are the best fix for software problems.  Next time my job calls me at 3 AM about a system being down, I’m just going to say “I’m sorry!” and go back to bed.

Seriously, though - What good is wishing for an apology, especially one that has zero percent chance of getting past a corporate lawyer?  Is an apology going to guarantee the fixes that are already promised in multiple locations here and in the press?  Or is it just that people love to see CEO types brought down a peg, to make them grovel?  If that’s the case, I’m glad there’s no apology.  Nobody in this world should have to kneel to the demands of an unruly mob. 

Userlevel 2

Well now I’ve found out that apologies are the best fix for software problems.  Next time my job calls me at 3 AM about a system being down, I’m just going to say “I’m sorry!” and go back to bed.

Seriously, though - What good is wishing for an apology, especially one that has zero percent chance of getting past a corporate lawyer?  Is an apology going to guarantee the fixes that are already promised in multiple locations here and in the press?  Or is it just that people love to see CEO types brought down a peg, to make them grovel?  If that’s the case, I’m glad there’s no apology.  Nobody in this world should have to kneel to the demands of an unruly mob. 


@jgatie : Ha ha, yes well of course you’re right. I dont need the apology as much as I need a working sound system in my home. I think I wanted the apology and a clear announcement with the true state of the app because (in my mind at least) that would mean that the management took this problem serious and therefore committed to fixing it, instead of just keeping up appearances with the bullshit communication a la “send in diagnostiscs, then Support will help you out, it’s probably just your own wi-fi that casues the problem”.


And yes you’re probably spot on with the lawyer-issue also.

I’m really really tired of spending time on bug-fixing an app on multiple devices and both Android, iOS and Windows, when in fact there is nothing I as a customer can actually do to fix the issues.

But no; I dont need to CEO to grovel as you say. But I do feel that it would be quite suiting if he/she stood up and showed som responsibility for releasing this app and adressed the matter in true words. 

Instead the company keeps treating us like mushrooms. 1%???


Unruly mob? I understand what you mean I think, but this (the unhappy protesting community) is not some NRA-hillbilly-nutcases burning down the townhall, to show how much they need automatic assault riffles to protect their 4X4?

And coming from 20 years in IT and the journey from WAP to where we are today, I fully understand and appreciate the need to develop and sometime roll back on functionality while building a more stabile core etc etc. Thats is not what I’m debating here - its the freakish amateurish way they both chose to launch a non-functioning app and even more the way they’ve handled it afterwards.

1%. Bahh.