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I had a Synology NAS DS 216j which unfortunately died a horrible death. I’ve replaced it with a Synology 2181+]. Everything else on my network can see the new NAS and can access it. Unfortunately the S1 controller won’t talk to the new NAS. When I try to add the NAS to the music library I get the error which refers me to the serverstack article.

I have fixed the serverstack as MS tell you to, and now show

IRPStackSize REG_DWORD 0x000000050 (80).


Just for clarity, when trying to add the library, I can browse through to the NAS\music folder and can see all the music there.

It’s not the firewall (off or on, same error fault). I have to use the S1 controller as I have a Five which isn’t compatible with S2. I also have a playbar. The S1 can see the Sonos system and works fine otherwise, it just won’t connect to the NAS.

I’m running W10 and Norton 360 on the desktop.

Any ideas? Really stuck now.





Have you turned on SMB v1 on the new NAS? Sonos currently still uses this ancient protocol to communicate, and most newer devices have it turned off, in favor of SMB v3. It’s a common reason for everything else except Sonos to work.

Thanks Bruce - yes, SMB are all checked and enabled. I did that fix earlier and that enabled me to find the NAS drive using the browse button in the library install, so good advice, definitely needed to do it, but the problem is still there!





Hmm, that’s the most obvious thing, why don’t you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of trying to connect the NAS in the Sonos controller, and call Sonos Support to discuss it?

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, there are more options available beyond just the diagnostic analysis.  

Sound advice! (Pun only slightly intended).


I’ve submitted a diagnostic and will call them tomorrow when lines open.


Thanks again




Just solved the problem with remote assistance from the Sonos team! They were really helpful.

Turns out that the new Synology NAS has a setting in file services, advanced settings tab that sets a maximum and minimum SMB. The maximum is set on SMB3, the minimum is set on SMB2 by default. We changed the minimum to accept SMB1 and it worked immediately.

I have to say that I would never have found that on my own and it took 2 techies combined to find it from the Sonos end.




You might want to look at the security issues with SMB v1 and decide if you want to leave that enabled on a NAS with your real data on it.

I use a secondary NAS or a NAS to SMB v1 gateway so I can keep my main NAS as secure as possible.