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I was renting a couple of years  between houses with most of my kit in store but I kept out 2x Play1 and 1x Play3. Been in the new place since April and getting the rest of my S1 system to setup - 2x ZP100, 2x ZP80, 1x Connect Amp.

It seems only the Play1s & 3 can access my music library on Synology 416slim NAS. The others will play if I link them with one of the Plays. Tried deleting and adding the library again.

I was aware of various threads on the Synology re SMB and had downgraded to SMB1 in the past but not working again. Saw this thread about making firmware edits on Synology 

 and really don’t want to go there - really ought not to need to go there - and I see some people saying it has reverted or no longer works! Sure I could probably plough through and see if it works but it kind of defeats the purpose of a supposed CONSUMER system.

I only really need 4z zones - do I ditch this **** and go buy some Wiim or similar or am I just gonna encounter different problems?

Hi @133133 

Thanks for your post! And, apologies for the delay.

Sorry to hear of this issue you are having with playing Music Library to your S1 Sonos system.

If any speakers on your S1 system can play your Music Library, then all speakers on the same system should be able to play your Music Library.

As this is plainly not what you are experiencing, we really need to ask the speakers as to what is going wrong. I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

Before doing so, however, I think it will be worth trying a reboot of your router - please turn it off for at least 30 seconds, then give it 5 minutes to start back up, and test afterwards.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for getting back, Corry - know you guys are busy!

Router & Mesh reboot didn’t work, neither did re-indexing. I’ll get in touch with tech support.

However, maybe you can help with one thing, your reply was alerted on my old email address! I logged in and checked my profile and it has my new email address so don’t understand how to fix that. I have access to that mailbox just now but it is my previous ISP and could disappear any day. Any thoughts on that one?

Hi @133133 

Apologies - I have recently come across some relevant information.

It seems there is indeed an issue when playing from a Synology NAS device when using certain devices: Play:5 (Gen 1), Connect, and Connect:Amp, specifically. 

The issue was caused by the recent Synology DSM7 update and cannot be resolved by Sonos. Please contact Synology for further support:

I hope this helps.

