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Hi everyone


Unfortunately, I updated to the newest Sonos version 80. Eventhougt I read all the bad reviews and therefore disabled auto updates. Stupid I am, I manually then installed the update by accident 🤦🏼‍♂️).



Whatever, is there any way to downgrade to v16.1 again? I don‘t like the appearance at all, everything seems buggy, symfonisk doesn‘t work properly, alarms can‘t be shut off, equalizer is hidden, I don‘t see percentage of volume… just everything is a mess to me.


Is there maybe a ‚testflight‘ version of the old version I could use again? Or any other possibility? I have an old iPhone backup from about a month.. if there is no possibility to revert back I have to swallow the pill, restore the backup even I will lose some data but at least having a proper app again.


I don‘t understand why sonos is releasing such a buggy app :-(


thanks for your help! ❤️

Hey Hendek, 

as an iPhone user this solution is not working for me! 😞

But thanks for the advise.

Best Regards, Markus.  

Really sorry to hear that.

I am forced to purchase Android tablets (because my clients are all IOS) to solve this issue. I’ll install the older program on the Androids.

I no longer trust Sonos and can no longer recomend their hardware.

No satisfactory comments or explanation from Sonos.  No customer support and an unwillingness to help people.  Who have bought an expensive system in good faith, especially those on iOS who can’t unfortunately downgrade.  Wouldn’t it be nice if they actually took notice of the problems and complaints on social media, and maybe in do the right thing allowing us to downgrade?  What happened to “the customer is always right”?  I certainly won’t be buying more equipment from Sonos.

SONOS Please return  the S2 app to the IOS App Store for those of us who want to downgrade! The new 80 App version is a disaster. if you don't want to lose customers long term do the right thing. 

Hello all,

I like everyone else here could not use the new app. Many serviced stopped working (just a “something went wrong” error) when trying to play, even after re-authorizing. So just to be able to listen to the services I want to, I had to downgrade (thank you for the instructions). However, after the downgrade my 2 Sonos One speakers have the wrench icon and in the system it says “needs an update” and it is forcing me to update the app. I read elsewhere that the new app did not update the FW in the speakers but my experience is that the speakers got updated and now I cannot play to the Sonos Ones. The Ikea Symphonisk speakers work fine, unfortunately those ones are in the shop and not in my office where the Ones are located. Has anyone else had this issue? I can’t play some services with the new app but I can’t play anything to the Sonos One with the downgraded app?


*** UPDATE ***

I tried to load my Windows Controller to see what the situation was and it required an Update to do anything so I was forced to “update” but this was not to the actual controller but rather it did an update to the Sonos Ones and left the controller alone. Now the Ones show up in my downgraded 16.1 Controller on my Android without any issues. So annoying that the android Controller was forcing a software upgrade to do a FW upgrade? Anyways, I hope this is useful to someone else who has the same issue.




As an iOS user, I have deleted the app and now use aircasting directly to my sound system (receiver and a few Sonos 5 speakers) from the native app (e.g. podcasts, music, books, etc.). It’s not perfect but at least I can skip ahead/rewind as needed.

I wish I read this thread before updating. Holy crap it’s bad. I have a dedicated iPad I use for a Sonos controller in guided access mode. It was working perfectly, now it’s unusable. And based on this thread, there is no solution. Guess I won’t be buying additional ports for my additional zones, time to scrap Sonos. 

I cannot understand what mind tested and approved this release. Ridiculous!

Seriously, Sonos…what in the living hell are you doing releasing this complete and utter garbage “upgrade?” You should be ashamed. Half of my speakers aren’t working now, others will play for 10 seconds and then cut out, I have one stereo pair that’s actually working but there’s no volume level on the slider so I can’t control their loudness. Just an absolute failure. Let us go back to the previous version and then NEVER, EVER touch your goddamned app again. 

Updated to 16.2 and now my imported playlists from iOS are not complete. Can we expect SONOS to correct this misguided update?

Hello Sonos App users  (Android,  Sonos App S2 80.00.04- rel.+20240507.671145b),

After my email to Sonos regarding the problems with the latest update (v80.xx) I received following message from the Sonos Sales Experience Team (EU).

“I can understand 200% that you are extremely dissatisfied with the new version of the S2 app,
especially because the music is extremely important for your daily use.
Our development team is working hard to resolve the issues with the app.
We share many updates through the Sonos community.
It gives me great pleasure to hear from you that you have found a solution to the
problems with the app. I have certainly passed this on to our management.
We hope that all missing functions will be back on the S2 app around mid-June, but
earlier is of course very welcome.
Once again, my sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused “

Hopefully we will get a solution very soon from Sonos.
For now we have to make do with the previous well-functioning update (v16.1). Hopefully this has worked for everyone to restore that version.

Have done the above revert but my app is still auto updating even with that option in the app turned off. WTH! Is that even allowed? If you offer an option to disable auto updates then do the update anyway that has to be breaking a few rules. 


Do not forget to disable auto update also in the Google Play Store App (Android).
You’ll find these settings when you toutch you name icon (top left) in the Google Play Store App.
→ Network preferences :  choose ‘Apps not auto update’.
Hope this works for you.

Horrible “update” of software.  I just retired from a career in IT and this update demonstrates the worst  of the AGILE software upgrade process where upgrades are sent out to customers who become Beta testers without consent.  Reading the release notes was laughable, with statements such as “sleep timer” will be restored in a future release.  Removing an existing feature in a software update is beyond poor programming.  I want to hear from Sonos on the following questions:  1).  Have you outsourced all of your development off shore?  Meaning you no longer employ people inside the USA?  2)  By what methodology do you determine what to change about the user interface?  Is it some VP or the actual customers?  3). If you are offshoring… my experience with IBM offshore centers as co-workers is that their employees have no IT experience,  have extremely long learning curves, and … my experience was that many easy issues where escalated to experienced USA workers ( aka me) to resolve.  That experience is a waste of time for the customer (who is beyond frustrated by the I got them), a bad customer service experience, and takes time away from senior employees being able to focus and proactively fix issues before the consumer experiences an issue.


Beyond disappointed in the upgrade and the organization.

What garbage this company has shoved down our throats. No effing warning or explanation how to use. I have systems in two different locations. Doesn't recognize the system automatically when I'm on the wifi. Can't figure out how change music from the app. Hate this. Thousands of dollars invested and now this after making my first system of Sonos gives obsolete. I can not state strongly enough, do not buy Sonos

That is a perfect recipe for disaster. Exactly how companies go out of business.

5 sets of speakers that I cannot use for my daughter's graduation party tonight.


Horrible “update” of software.  I just retired from a career in IT and this update demonstrates the worst  of the AGILE software upgrade process where upgrades are sent out to customers who become Beta testers without consent.  Reading the release notes was laughable, with statements such as “sleep timer” will be restored in a future release.  Removing an existing feature in a software update is beyond poor programming.  I want to hear from Sonos on the following questions:  1).  Have you outsourced all of your development off shore?  Meaning you no longer employ people inside the USA?  2)  By what methodology do you determine what to change about the user interface?  Is it some VP or the actual customers?  3). If you are offshoring… my experience with IBM offshore centers as co-workers is that their employees have no IT experience,  have extremely long learning curves, and … my experience was that many easy issues where escalated to experienced USA workers ( aka me) to resolve.  That experience is a waste of time for the customer (who is beyond frustrated by the I got them), a bad customer service experience, and takes time away from senior employees being able to focus and proactively fix issues before the consumer experiences an issue.


Beyond disappointed in the upgrade and the organization.

First things first, fire the CTO and the whole IT department for cause.

Sonos is destroying their customer base, and if not checked immediately, they will be out of business in no time. 

I have 5 sets of speakers that I cannot uae for my daughter's graduation party tonight due to the latest update. Only solution offered by Sonos is to wait for a  future update !!!!

Shameful company that does not respect its users.

At a minimum, offer to restore or roll back to old version.

Garbage..wasted $1000's in equipment.


For everyone trying to go back to the previous version. From a fellow forum user, use the steps he describes below. It worked for me and. This is for Android users. First remember to uninstall the existing Sonos app from your phone. 

“Went to on my phone browser, and downloaded Sonos 16.1 (arm64 v8a). Then opened the download folder and ran the install. (You may have to select the permissions on your phone to allow you to do that). Following install I turned off wi-fi and mobile data, then went to play store and selected do not automatically update apps. Then turned wi-fi and mobile data back on, then ran the app and signed in.”

Thanks for this! I was able to install 16.1 (arm64 v8a) from an apk file and everything works as before (separate speaker group volume, adding tracks to current playlist, and most importantly, loading the app and registering changes immediately, as before. The only problem is I cannot access, search, or make changes to my music library on my media server, without updating the app, which I obviously don't want to do. But surprisingly, for my personal playlists that already existed (which pulls tracks from various services AND my library), it still pulls tracks from this library. So this is a decent fix for me now. 

I am still very angry about this.  With V16.1, finally all my connectivity problems were gone and all my rooms worked just they should , and worked all the time , every time.  Now this is a true nightmare.  Spent HOURS on with Sonos support and no luck.  Oh yeah, “you will have to wire the main component in every room with Ethernet to your router.”  What???  Please, please let us downgrade. 

Hi All

Just to let you know that due to all of the frustrations well documented at this stage and total disregard for users by Sonos I have successfully been using for about two months now an Android tablet which i specifically purchased for my Sonos systems and Spotify. visit Mirror APK and download 16.1 and all systems working fine and have no intention of upgrading and turned off All auto upgrade systems just in case,

I am an iOS user under normal circumstances but short of throwing the Sonos system in the bin (very expensive option not happening) then €120 well spent but not purchasing any further information Sonos equipment as this treatment of us is totally unacceptable.

Regards to all and best of luck

@N2ck - I’m also an iOS user and have no knowledge of Android anything. Which tablet do you recommend?

Hi Swell

i first tried the Amazon but sent it back due to very restricted on app downloads and no Google store so then purchased Lenovo and working fine. Hope this helps 👍

Also, had some success using Apple Airplay through the Music app on my iPhone. All the newer equipment plays (although it occasionally freezes) and only 1 pair of very old 1st gen speakers won’t connect. 

For me I think I’ll cut my losses and leave well alone in relation to my system and the current set up until all this is sorted out but I definitely will not be upgrading or purchasing additional products and sinking any more investment into my systems.

I suppose it’s true what they say about putting all your eggs in one basket is a very risky business 

Hi All

sinister development as just returned from a short break only to to try and play some music but it appears that all of the Sonos functions are blocked out and pushing me towards the upgrade option ? . I can only guess that this has been targeted through my email accounts log in details which I have used to access the forum ?? Therefore I would suggest that you do not use the same emails / log in details as your account as yo may be restricted in the use of 16.1 which was my only means of meaningful use but have now lost my Groupons and functionality?? This is a very underhand approach from Sonia against the very users it depends on to purchase and use there products ….. buyer beware as Sonos do not appear to be listening and fixing their app issues 👎👎👎🙄