Apologies if this is a no brainer, but recently I updated a legacy Sonos system which contained a number of ZP80s, 100, Play 5 and Play Ones…This original system was controlled through the S1 App.
I took the plunge and purchased a couple of new Sonos Amps, and plan to extend that to a Beam/Arc/surround sound ec and other S2 only devices.. So I set up a system on S2… 2 Amps and updated the 2 play ones.. All good…. I then wanted to keep my Play 5 - so created a new S1 system for that in another room on its own..same network etc..… all good…
So.. S2 is a bit tempermental at connecting to the new Amps and Play 1 and often I have to search for my system.. Sonos comes up with 3 systems.. The new S2 system, the S1 Play 5 and then a third system with the remainder of devices that are now in a box in the loft and not required..
Question - How do I remove these legacy products from my account so I just have 2 systems.?..
Supplementary - Why is S2 so flakey at connecting to the new system when S1 was always immediately available when you accessed the app?.. The biggest difference is that the S1 system was connected to the router via ethernet to a ZP80 and now the S2 app is totally wireless… is that the reason?
Apologies for the ramble.. just wanted to put things in context.!.