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The ability to add, delete or rearrange tracks in the queue is, in my opinion, fundamental.  As of today, I am still unable to do so on my Android platforms.  Thankfully, I have an app on my Windows 11 laptop that still allows me that feature.

I have read much about when this ability will be reapplied.  Sonos support had told me that the week of July 8 was the goal.  That didn’t happen.

In a chat session with a Support Rep just days ago, I was informed that NO ONE at Sonos knew when this feature would be reinstated.

Over the years, I have purchased multiple pieces of Sonos equipment.  Up until the May app “upgrade” I have been a loyal and satisfied owner who has recommended the system to many.  Now, I am embarrassed and angry.  How can a company whose overwhelming stake is in allowing clients to play the music they choose when they choose it, go so far astray as to ruin that ability while providing no solid timeline for fixes?

Sonos, you have alienated me and untold thousands of others.  Shame on you.

Please see the announcement from the Sonos CEO which confirms the schedule for functionality releases:

Thanks for this.  It completely contradicts the info I got from Support on Wednesday past.

Nevertheless, it looks like I will have to wait another 8-10 weeks to get such a basic and important function as managing the tracks on the queue.

I remain unimpressed.

Jump ship. Use a 3rd party app for a while.


On Android use Plex or Plexamp. Yeah, is 5 bucks a month but worth it if it works.


On iOS use SonosPhone.


I find Plex, which is free, on my NAS so be superior to the management, organization, and orchestration of my personal music far superior.


It was always so strange that Sonos couldn't even build auto playlists for singing as simple as new music...
