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Qobuz playlists not available

Qobuz playlists are not available when using the upgrade app on Android. These playlists are properly displayed when using the Sonos program for Windows.

When a Qobuz playlist is added via the Windows program, it plays and shows up on the Android under “Recently Played”; however, clicking on that playlist on the Android fails “Something went wrong” ← No kidding.

It seems to be the same for Apple systems as well. Playlists won’t show up. I’ve tried reauthorizing a couple times as well.

Same here. No Qobuz playlists visible. Favourites are still there. Have reautharised but no luck.

Also, where has Trueplay functionality gone ???


Same here. I mainly use Qobuz so main content source is gone. Sonos,  I’m switching to Roon. 

Same for me - Qobuz is the main services I use, so if this is not fixed I will be scrapping Sonos. It’s hard to comprehend such a disatrous update. Is there any response from Sonos in terms of addressing this?

same here - unable to upload Qobuz playlists (my playlists)

how can I go back to the old APP version? 

SONOS forced their latest update on me today (May 15, 2024), after I reverted to the 16.1 version. With the forced update, my Qobuz playlist is no longer available.


Sonos: Hear me clearly, with a FORCED update I will never again buy any of your products and am actively seeking alternatives. You can produce defective software, that’s awful, but to FORCE defective software on your customers is unforgivable. As a company, at the very least you should be embarrassed and offer apologies. At the most, you should NEVER FORCE an update.

Hi Bob_B – agree.  Hope SONOS folks will bother to read this chat.  As I have SONOS hardware I cannot walk away but this would be my conclusion if they do not fix this. 

Sonos, listen. Rule number one of software development. It's not hard. Don't force a major rewrite update until you have feature parity. For some reason you and Tesla are incapable of understanding the basics. 

Same issue. What a rubbish “upgrade”

Did the upgrade achiev anything for anyone raising concerns on this topic? Certainly not for me. Even old functionality - such as volume slider control - has been made more flaky in this new version of the app. Does Sonos not recognise what a massive disaster this upgrade has been? Unbelievable.

I have ten Sonos speakers in my home, and after the app update on iOS, I’m unable to listen to my Qobuz playlists. Did I say speakers? I meant paperweights. I have ten Sonos paperweights in my home. 

Can we start a class action for a product refund?

Can we start a class action for a product refund?

I am in

@Sonos…do you have a timetable to patch the Qobuz issue with playlists?

Yeah exactly the same issue here. First time buying a Sonos speaker at the beginning of the year. Thankfully the Move 2 I own has Bluetooth capability but given the major selling feature is the higher sound quality WiFi provides its hardly the point and I have perfectly adequate Bluetooth speakers (read - significantly cheaper) that serve that need for me. It beggers belief that Sonos is happy to push this update in the state it's in. Absolutely embarrassing, I will not be getting any further products from a company who treats its customers with this much contempt when there are other options out there

I have waisted thousands of dollars on Sonos product all in the name of ease of use of and functionality. Not being to able to access my Sonos or Qobus playlists, or NAS stored music has made my Sonos systems worthless to me. I will no longer use any of my Sonos product until this mess has cleaned cleaned up by Sonos. 

Thank god I have alternatives to my Sonos Ports with my Wiim  Pro’s  on my larger systems. 


Sonos you should be ashamed and someone in charge of this upgrade should be looking for a new job. 

On Reddit, yesterday Keith from Sonos was answering community questions, and in answer to a query about support for playing Pocket Cast podcasts through Sonos, Keith said:

“Along with the design changes in the new Sonos app, there were a few changes to back end and a few of our smaller Music Service Partners have "fallen off". Just as you eluded to, this integration "takes two to tango" so while we update our app, our partners may still be needing to play catch up.”

Given that Qobuz playlists were OK in v16.1, and disappeared in v80, I am left wondering if the changes Sonos made require Qobuz to do something with their end of the integration.

Who are the alternatives to Sonos?  

Idem. Je n’ai plus accès aux playlist perso Qobuz ni celles de Napster alors qu’elles sont toujours accessibles sur l’appli web Sonos. Vite un patch !!!


When will the playlist feature for Qobuz be fixed. Simple question. I would appreciate a simple answer. 


When will the playlist feature for Qobuz be fixed. Simple question. I would appreciate a simple answer. 

Yes, indeed! We are talking over a month without an ability to play Qobuz playlists. One of the main reasons I purchased my three Sonos products was so I could listen to the playlist I had created, with music tracks that I need to study and learn as part of being a jazz musician. The lack of this feature is a significant impairment on my practice and study.

Qobuz: Are you at all listening, because I haven’t seen a single response from Corporate since this debacle. Talk to us, please.

I chatted with Qobuz support about this and they said - referring to the backend changes Sonos have made possibly requiring music providers to also make changes for stuff to continue to work:

“it might apply to us, but then I hope they gave this info also to our tech team.

Our team got into contact with Sonos exactly a week ago (30.05.2024)

So if there is something that needed to be done it is done by now or in the work.

But I think even if we have provided a API to them with needed changes we will have to wait most likely for all partners integrated to Sonos to do the same. 

Since they will most likely not make a update for every partner sepperalty. 

My assumption is that they gather all the needed changes from partners and will make a new update then.”

The Sonos Android mobile app does see Qobuz-built playlists. It also sees all my favorites — albums, tracks and artists. Interestingly, the Sonos app applies the “playlist” label to my favorite tracks and artists. So, its update appears to have no problem with the idea of playlists, only with playlists that the user has built him/herself.

The Sonos app will recognize my self-created Qobuz playlists, but only if they are:

  1. Downloaded (to the Qobuz app)

  2. Found through search

Otherwise, nada.

No issues with the Sonos Windows app on the desktop. All my personal Qobuz playlists are visible and responsive. 

FWIW: I emailed Qobuz describing the problem where Sonos does not recognize a Qobuz user’s playlists. Here is their response:



Our tech team was directly in contact with Sonos and they recognize this is entirely their fault. On our side, there is nothing we can do but wait until it is fixed.

Kind regards,


