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Pocketcasts never works anymore and its getting worse

  • 29 November 2023
  • 6 replies

Been a Sonos user since day one.  Big podcast listener and ever since I switched to Pocketcasts the product has been getting progressively worse.  I’ll start by saying I have reached out to both companies, Sonos says nothing and Pocketcasts blames Sonos so no progress is to be made there.   


I first used to notice that the occasional podcast wouldn’t play right away then it was certain podcasts never play, then it was most of my podcasts never play.  Now its practically useless.  Of the 8 or so weekly podcasts I listen to, 6 of them will no longer play.    The error says “The connection to pocketcasts was lost”  


So now what do I do?  Both companies effectively ignoring the problem.  It makes their tech unusable for me.   As a consumer?  Where do I go or do I just sell my stuff and move over to google products so I can stream my podcasts. 

Hi @Cassss, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I’ve had a look in our system using the email on your profile but I can’t see any cases, though I can see diagnostics. When you contacted our team, was it with a different email or do you have a case number you can DM me privately?

I’m not sure what troubleshooting you’ve performed, but looking into the diagnostics shows that there are transport errors which is causing playback failure, specifically a lost connection error. There aren’t any outages on our status page, so it’s likely a network specific problem that is causing this. 

I would recommend you check our system requirements article to make sure your network meets our requirements and that you don’t have any unsupported networking equipment. I can see in the diagnostics that your system is wired, so I would suggest changing the SonosNet channel. We also have an article on reducing wireless interference, as that is also being picked up by the diagnostics.

If the above articles don’t help, I would recommend reaching out to our support team for further live troubleshooting.

I hope this helps!

I had to come back and say I had a really great experience with the support chat and we worked thru my system and they took note of my issue and offered me some workarounds.  I was just happily surprised at how a bit of a rant on their forum actually got me connected with helpful support and not some horrible Ai chatbot.  Lesson learned was if you need help with your Sonos go to the Support Team.

Can you advise what the solution was? I am having the same issue and the advice I've had is either 'there's interference on The wireless network" (my sonoses are wired, and everything works fine until I try and play the podcast) or "you need to upgrade to s2" (my devices aren't compatible, and given how appallingly sonos have treated customers who bought their kit I'm not inclined to buy and new kit). Really frustrating. I find the "connection was lost" error on both tune in and pocketcasts, particularly when trying to play my kids "greeking out" podcast which used to work fine (a month or so ago). Grateful for any suggestions! 

Yup, I am having the same problem with my S1 system. Most podcasts just won't play any longer with the 'connection lost....'  message. The only ones that will play through pocket casts are the BBC podcasts but i can play those anyhow on the bbc sounds app which does work on my sonos system? Interested to know if anyone has found a solution or if Sonos are even working on this problem.

"if sonos are even working on this problem" 😂 good one. Sonos are actively degrading the s1 systems and performance in a ridiculous belief that abandoning and punishing long serving customers will encourage them to buy more overpriced kit from them. It's crazy.

Crazy is an accurate statement if you think Sonos is degrading anything.