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Playlists Can't Loop?

  • 22 May 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi there,


I am using Sonos in a commercial setting with Soundtrack Your Brand. We have been having an issue where once a playlist plays through once, the music will just stop. I can’t find a way to loop or queue new playlists through the app. Has anyone experienced anything similar or know a fix to this?

4 replies

Hi there,


I am using Sonos in a commercial setting with Soundtrack Your Brand. We have been having an issue where once a playlist plays through once, the music will just stop. I can’t find a way to loop or queue new playlists through the app. Has anyone experienced anything similar or know a fix to this?

If you are using the new app, Sonos has removed most queue functions. You can’t add tracks or playlists to the end of a queue or insert next etc. There is a repeat button, top right of the queue screen. I don’t know if it actually works, haven’t used it since the app update.

Thank you! That is strange. This is a new system and I’ve never used Sonos before now. I wonder why they would remove those functions...

I’ve certainly not reached the end of a playlist, but both the Repeat and Random buttons are there on the interface. Certainly the random button is working, in my experience. 

Thank you! That is strange. This is a new system and I’ve never used Sonos before now. I wonder why they would remove those functions...

They need to sell some headphones (serious) and rushed out a half baked dumpster fire of an app update because the headphones need the app, screwed all current owners to increase unit sales basically IMO.
