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Playlist only plays one song at a time.

  • 25 May 2024
  • 7 replies

After update of May, 2024, Sonos will only let me play one song at a time from “Top Songs” playlist. How do I resolve this?

Same problem here. Very annoying. 

Top songs did play through like a playlist… not anymore.  One song and then stops.

I posted this concern about two weeks ago and just tried for the umpteenth time again - with the same result: no way to play a “Top Songs” list from an artist without click each song one at a time.

Yet, I have not heard anything from Sonos. Not a peep.

I’ve been reading quite a bit on-line about the recent update - none of it good. Clearly Sonos has gone downhill - WAY DOWNHILL. That update eliminated features, unwound intuitive design, and reduced the value of what I’m paying for. I’m now looking for other option to Sonos.

I posted this concern about two weeks ago and just tried for the umpteenth time again - with the same result: no way to play a “Top Songs” list from an artist without click each song one at a time.

Yet, I have not heard anything from Sonos. Not a peep.

I’ve been reading quite a bit on-line about the recent update - none of it good. Clearly Sonos has gone downhill - WAY DOWNHILL. That update eliminated features, unwound intuitive design, and reduced the value of what I’m paying for. I’m now looking for other option to Sonos.

When did you last update the app and the firmware? There were major updates yesterday. Not sure this was directly addressed by the updates but...

I believe the app updated last night because this morning I had to agree to a new user agreement before using it. “Top Songs” playlists still only play one at a time, by clicking each song.

Another Monday, another week of frustration with the regression of service by Sonos. Still must tap each song individually on a “Top Songs” list. My old CD player was better than Sonos (and it cost less).

As an added bonus, I’ve received no reply from anyone at Sonos about the situation. Not a peep

Sonos SUCKS!