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permanent white screen

ISSUE (Repeatedly occurs): A permanent white screen appears on my android phone after password sign-in to connect Move 1 speaker function.

BACKGROUND:. Sonos app was reinstalled after successfully completing a Factory Reset. Then during System Set-up for the speaker --NOT Adding to an Existing System-- following entry of email address and password, all functionality ceases as the phone screen goes White, permanently. 

ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND:  After issue repeated several times, the WiFi router was restarted. Another Factory Reset was necessary and successfully] completed, Then again, The Issue happens. NOTE: Norton 360 was installed prior this entire situation occurred 


I am having the same problem starting a few days ago. No changes on my end. I think it’s the new Sonos App and I’m waiting for a call back from Tech Support. I did follow all the instructions from Sonos: reboot router, factory reset on Sonos Move 2, uninstall and install app, reboot phone. None of that changed the situation. I have the app on 3 different android phones. They all behave the same way. Very frustrating to have the speaker in my house and not be able to play music on it. 

Did all that too, except for multiple phones, over 24-hrs. After 45 minute hold, spent literally another 2 hours with Tech Support on work arounds that culminated with a step that was to enter the speaker's PIN# that led to what was anticipated as being the last step, activate a substitute network (which I recall having worked after the initial App "Upgrade" but it uncannily disappeared from screen to initialize it... foiled again... White screen returned. Was advised to await 2 updates in June (mid & end of month) & occasionally visit ...

I spoke with Tech Support. If I understood correctly, this is now a known issue and they will call me back if and when there is a work around. In the meantime, one of the three android phones got past the white screen and connected. Also, with Carl’s help, I connected an iPad. The other two phones still show the white screen, despite uninstalling, reinstalling and rebooting. 

Lucky you... I don't have access to an additional phone or do I use other electronic communication devices other than a PC that has no application with Sonos. Congratulations and enjoy music once again for as I may have to wait nearly a month possibly worse

VERY irritating, to say the least. 

Hope a resolution is very close?


I just bought my Sonos Arc, and I just can't use it at all because I get this white screen.

This is my first Sonos product, I think I'll just send it back and get another brand rather than wait for an update, it's crazy that they can't find a quick fix??

ISSUE (Repeatedly occurs): A permanent white screen appears on my android phone after password sign-in to connect Move 1 speaker function.

BACKGROUND:. Sonos app was reinstalled after successfully completing a Factory Reset. Then during System Set-up for the speaker --NOT Adding to an Existing System-- following entry of email address and password, all functionality ceases as the phone screen goes White, permanently. 

ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND:  After issue repeated several times, the WiFi router was restarted. Another Factory Reset was necessary and successfully] completed, Then again, The Issue happens. NOTE: Norton 360 was installed prior this entire situation occurred 



After numerous times of going through Sonos App Installs/Removals including Factory Reset sequences for Sonos Move, personally, and after valiant Tech Support efforts failed, and after many more additional personal efforts that repeated steps described earlier, I finally stopped the insanity by thinking perhaps the installation of the Norton 360 Security WITH a VPN function might be the culprit, since it was not part of my previous Kaspersky Security package. Therefore, by chance of elimination, I removed the Sonos app and reinstalled the original Sonos1 app having been frustrated with the Sonos Upgrade. At some point during the Sonos1 set-up it said to cancel/remove the VPN feature... EUREKA! From there I found that I could selectively suppress/turn-off the <Norton> VPN function for the Sonos app without disturbing the VPN feature for all other applications. Note: the VPN and WiFi are intermingled. After that, I did the redid the entire Sonos1 app install steps (that was unnecessary because...) when it recommended allowing the most updated Sonos Upgrade, I accepted and continued the step-by-step process again  it works. My Sonos Move and I have use and playback of my YouTube Music along with Sonos Radio if wanted. Hooray!  Yippee!  Hooray. Try this resolution of you have VPN on your device. 

Hi Liquid, I don't have any VPN on... I'm not sure I understand your solution?  On which device was your VPN?

Android ...if not VPN perhaps another security feature on another app install that has corrupted the WiFi connectivity to your phone, regardless of Bluetooth. Sorry I cannot help further. It was a horrible time being without use of my Sonos Move as most preferred, playback of my YouTube Music at home or elsewhere. Good luck. Sorry for the aggravation you suffer. Been there. Done that. Hopefully, never again 

Ridiculous to be having this problem after having just bought an ARC and had trouble from the off.

Not a good product recommendation for a first time buyer of Sonos, having used Bose products before and constantly being told Sonos is better! 

I resolved it by using an older Samsung Galaxy A22 as my S22 would not work, getting white screen. 

At first it did go as far as connecting to wifi by uninstalling and reinstalling the app on the S22 but gave up after 2 hours of frustration.