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This may have been mentioned before, but a quick search didn’t find anything.

Note first that I’m still running S1. (I know, lucky me.) It’s possible that the same will apply to S2.

Starting a few weeks ago, I noticed that many of the SXM stations I had added to my SONOS Favorites were no longer displaying cover art and song/artist/album info. Oh, well, at least the music was still playing.

This morning I happened to select one of my SXM SONOS Favorites directly from the SXM “Browse” interface, and suddenly the missing info was displayed. Switched back to the Favorites selection; still missing there. So I deleted all of the SXM stations from my SONOS Favorites list and re-added them, and now I know who’s singing.

Hi @slworona 

Thanks for your post!

SiriusXM do seem to do something along these lines on a regular basis, and it does indeed help to recreate the favourite links, though I am not sure why. It probably does help on S2 systems too. Thanks for sharing!

@Corry P I see you’ve been very busy this morning! Thanks for taking the time to read/comment here.
