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Pcketcasts integration in new app-online support was woeful

  • 13 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Pocketcasts podcast integration no longer syncs progress either with prior listening via Sonos or with progress on pocket casts app.  This feature still works as intended on the old S2 app, but is completly broken in the new update.

I contacted support online.

After a 20 minute wait I spent twenty minutes with an advisor who told me the following…

  1. Podcasts are not supported on the Sonos system, only music services.
  2. Upon my further information they told me pocketcasts is a music service.  I pointed out that the settings on the old app specifically mentions podcasts when adding services and voice.
  3. The solution was to reboot my speakers.
  4. I pointed out that on my android phone, under the old app the system still works fine, on ios via the new app the podcasts start at the beginning every time, irrespective of progress.
  5. They told me to reboot my speakers.
  6. I reported other pocketcasts users experiencing the same problem specifically with the new app.  Having then failed to grasp the situation at all they then said that all missing features would be added in the future.
  7. I asked if this meant that syncing with pocketcasts was on the roadmap for repair and….
  8. They told me to reboot my speaker.
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1 reply

Just wanted to reply and say you are not alone. Restarting speakers does nothing (obviously) and the problem is their new app is busted. They also removed the +30 Second and -10 Second buttons from the UI which is extra annoying when trying to listen to a podcast. 

Sonos needs to get their act together and get this app updated to feature parity at least with the old one...