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As of about midday today I can’t play any radio stations except BBC. I’m trying on Tune-In and Sonos Radio principally. I have been accessing stations in the US and Europe for years via Sonos. Is anyone aware of services being removed from e.g. Texas (KXT) or New Mexico (KTAO), or even Spain (Finlandia)?

I can still see the stations in Sonos controllers as usual, but when trying to play them, the Pause button shows momentarily but then reverts to the Play button, with nothing actually playing.

Is it me, or has anyone else experienced this?

I can't seem to find any Canadian stations on either Sonos radio, or TuneIn after today's app update .

It seems that you can get the radio stations in your country, but you can't get international radio stations to play .

TuneIn have blocked everything in the UK due to being sued:

Thanks everyone. I have since found another post with answers on this, including from controlav, thank you:


@Sonos are you also having licensing issues and is this why Sonos Radio has also stopped playing international stations in the UK? “Internet radio” is the main reason I’ve bought five Pay 1 stations for the house and I think it’s one of the big selling points, so I hope that Sonos Radio can restore services soon, even if Tune-In can’t.

I made a single thread to try and focus everyone in the same place: