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New Sonos App Update Sucks Massively

Sonos really screwed the pooch on the update.  Nothing connects now, simplicity is gone.  What in wide world of sports were you thinking?????  Was there any real world testing done?  Massive screw-up.  Thinking of pitching what I have and starting over with another brand.  Awful product

Use of home library now very difficult through the app.  Cannot find search functionality.  Have to go to my computer constantly to find specific songs….

the new app is absolutely horrible. where can I get the old version?

Using Sonos through my Apple Music (airplay) sucks. With the previous app the music got through to all speakers. Now it’s just one and then I have to go into this terrible new version of the Sonos app and select the other speakers. also there is much more delay…

what a horror show.

Sonos should be ashamed of releasing this new app. I didn't recall having a worse user experience with any software ever. It's full of glitches, I have to update my system everytime I return home from a few days away. I have to start reboot the app energy day, sometimes 2 or 3 times just to get it to find my system. Sonos makes a great product but this latest app was obviously rushed to market for unknown reasons because the old app was perfectly fine. In addition to a newer Sonos S2 system at my home I have a Gen one play five at work that works on the original Sonos S1 app and it works flawlessly.


This needs sorting. The amount of money spent on Sonos products and yet they're so ignorant to all of its users that are complaining. We're not even getting anyone from Sonos saying they'll look into it. I'm close to ditching it all at this point. I'm sick of seeing no products connected. I've reset and readded everything multiple times. My network is not the problem. It's you Sonos. 



I cannot believe Sonos would roll out such an atrocity!!!  Long time 10 year user with many Sonos components, but I am ready to toss for a Bose, maybe Sonos would like to go out of business, they are heading that way.  The amount of screw ups are too numerous to list!  Maybe they should go work for CrowdStrike on their update!  Colossal F-UP 

I cannot believe Sonos would roll out such an atrocity!!!  Long time 10 year user with many Sonos components, but I am ready to toss for a Bose, maybe Sonos would like to go out of business, they are heading that way.  The amount of screw ups are too numerous to list!  Maybe they should go work for CrowdStrike on their update!  Colossal F-UP 

Seriously, it’s about time Sonos started validating new accounts on here as valid users.  


I am a valid Sonos user and bought many of their products! Am I hurting Sonos’s feelings?

Yeah me too! Long term user and hugely unsatisfied too!

This is the first review I have ever left in my life, but I felt compelled to waste my time signing in to write this: The Sonos app officially sucks again. I wouldn’t have purchased all this new gear if I had know the update would set us back 10 years. How?

Long time user and former tester. Have always been happy (enough) with the app and updates and this one is absolutely awful. Takes forever to open. Doesn’t recognize what’s planting. Long lag to any adjustments. Search is poor. Favorites don’t work. Everything feels clunky, old and unintuitive. Please fix asap! 

I can’t even begin to explain my dislike of this new update. It’s a massive steaming pile. In what universe does any of these changes make sense. I absolutely dread opening this or using it. Just mindboggling this got approved. 

Give us an option to use the old version that is not your inside joke. Seriously.

I can’t even begin to explain my dislike of this new update. It’s a massive steaming pile. In what universe does any of these changes make sense. I absolutely dread opening this or using it. Just mindboggling this got approved. 

Give us an option to use the old version that is not your inside joke. Seriously.

You know they’re fixing it, right?

I can’t even begin to explain my dislike of this new update. It’s a massive steaming pile. In what universe does any of these changes make sense. I absolutely dread opening this or using it. Just mindboggling this got approved. 

Give us an option to use the old version that is not your inside joke. Seriously.

You know they’re fixing it, right?

How would anyone know if they’re fixing it?  Because they say they are?

Trusting the people who couldn’t be trusted with the functionality of hundreds of thousands of customer-owned devices is something I’m not willing to do at this point.

I’m glad there are people out there that are willing to sit around and twiddle their thumbs, but most of us purchased this gear because we thought the company cared about delivering music, not second-rate cheapo headphones, and a phone app that appears to have been designed by the lowest bidder who then got squeezed to do it for half of that.

And if you think I’m joking, just search for “Sonos Ace case zipper problem”.  A company that buys the lowest quality part for the case they include to protect the product that is, supposedly, going to be the brand’s new flagship item for 2024, just might also buy the lowest quality parts for that particular product itself.

Maybe they’ll issue an apology for the Ace case too. “We at Sonos are deeply sorry that you feel bad about the zipper we included.  We’re sorry that you noticed the zipper was trash.”

I can’t even begin to explain my dislike of this new update. It’s a massive steaming pile. In what universe does any of these changes make sense. I absolutely dread opening this or using it. Just mindboggling this got approved. 

Give us an option to use the old version that is not your inside joke. Seriously.

You know they’re fixing it, right?

How would anyone know if they’re fixing it?  Because they say they are?

The nine app updates since 7th May is a pretty good indicator.

Trusting the people who couldn’t be trusted with the functionality of hundreds of thousands of customer-owned devices is something I’m not willing to do at this point.


What are you going to do then?

I can’t even begin to explain my dislike of this new update. It’s a massive steaming pile. In what universe does any of these changes make sense. I absolutely dread opening this or using it. Just mindboggling this got approved. 

Give us an option to use the old version that is not your inside joke. Seriously.

You know they’re fixing it, right?

How would anyone know if they’re fixing it?  Because they say they are

The nine app updates since 7th May is a pretty good indicator.

Trusting the people who couldn’t be trusted with the functionality of hundreds of thousands of customer-owned devices is something I’m not willing to do at this point.


What are you going to do then?


I don’t have to have a solution for everyone, to acknowledge that there is a problem and that they’ve broken my trust.  I also don’t need to actively field interference for a company that does not have the customer’s best interest at heart.  This is objectively true, because if they did have the customer’s best interest at their core, they would not have side stepped every best-practice for major software release/update.


Sonos dug this hole.  Sonos could branch and release 16.1 or 16.2 and quell this hullabaloo overnight.  That they don’t, further underscores the idea that they don’t give a rat’s behind about the customer base, only their image. (Which everyone can see is being ruined by the day.)

The emperor has no clothes.  That you refuse to see it, is unfortunate.

Sonos really screwed the pooch on the update.  Nothing connects now, simplicity is gone.  What in wide world of sports were you thinking?????  Was there any real world testing done?  Massive screw-up.  Thinking of pitching what I have and starting over with another brand.  Awful product

Screwed the pooch is an understatement.  The update is a complete abomination.  I can't save favourite stations anymore, connectivity is horrible, and overall it's no longer a user-friendly app.  I keep waiting for an update to fix all these issues and still nothing.  What was wrong with the old app?!?  Did they feel they MUST change it?  Boooo

Sonos really screwed the pooch on the update.  Nothing connects now, simplicity is gone.  What in wide world of sports were you thinking?????  Was there any real world testing done?  Massive screw-up.  Thinking of pitching what I have and starting over with another brand.  Awful product

Screwed the pooch is an understatement.  The update is a complete abomination.  I can't save favourite stations anymore, connectivity is horrible, and overall it's no longer a user-friendly app.  I keep waiting for an update to fix all these issues and still nothing.  What was wrong with the old app?!?  Did they feel they MUST change it?  Boooo

Even if they needed to add a support disclaimer, leaving the old app available would at the very least give users at least a method to use their own hardware.

You're right about it no longer being user friendly. Its a massive goat rodeo with ZERO thought to intuition. “This looks cool,” is probably the worst way to attempt to design a mobile app from the ground up.

  • Feature parity
  • Navigation familiarity

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills that I have to point this out to people making insane money for a company that USED to be king.

Rumor is that they had to change the app to accommodate their new headphones that were recently rolled out.