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New Sonos app removes key features - beware!

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

I don’t expect an individual apology, of course not. The new app and future updates link is from two weeks ago and that did nothing to address any of the issues it claimed to resolve and in my case made things worse particularly in relation to group features with speakers dropping in and out at random and tracks abruptly stopping part way through and moving to another track. 

Releasing an incomplete update which doesn’t work as well as the one it replaced with many core features removed is unacceptable. This isn’t an issue of the shock of the new, this is about poor product development and incomplete testing. 

With a massive fail like this, I would expect:

  • An apology
  • Making old app available as development continues on new app

That would have calmed things down, if it had happened a month ago. Both steps were necessary.


Now, it is difficult to recover any trust.

I changed the permissions on my Music library as others suggested and Sonos worked for a few days...then started getting error ‘Unable to play <song name>...access to Music denied.’ 

Then a new update came out for Windows so on 6/7/2024 I applied that (Build 79153290).  Again, it worked for a couple days...then back to access to Music Denied.  Removed music library and re-added.  No good.  It will now play one song on the play list and then gives me the error.

What I am doing right now is getting on every major vendor’s website that sells Sonos speakers and write a review expressing my feelings towards Sonos.

Thanks for the last entry which lists the features “available now”. However, even with have my system up to date and using the latest software, none of those “available now” items are available. Am I the only one?

No, it’s become a club. My suspicion is that the CEO’s 18 year old offspring got a BS in programming and his dad handed the Head Of Software Design over to it (the offspring, that is).

Hope he made his dad proud.

I’ve only had this company’s products in my house for a short time (couple months) after buying them from a friend. Maybe three or four months. During that time these pieces of S have forced me to update the firmware and mobile phone app like ten times, after considerable arse pain setting them up in the first place. I just want them to do their job. They are speakers. They should play sound and leave me the f alone. 

Updated to the latest release on iOS this evening (June 17) and still the functionality that had been previously listed as fixed (I’m talking play next, alarms, etc) wasn’t there, although slider volume numbers are. However, suddenly had a thought about the 1Blocker Firewall that runs on my iOS devices - it blocks in-app trackers and acts as a VPN. I paused the Firewall, restarted the Sonos app and the missing “fixed” functionality (play next, alarms, etc) is now there. The functionality remains when you turn the Firewall back on. I’ve posted several times that released fixes just weren’t appearing on my system (with corresponding frustration) - seems that the problem was down to my blocking software. Hope this discovery may help others. 

Even with the restored functionality I still prefer the S2 app (which thankfully is still running on my wife’s iPad). Far simpler to use with no delays in loading content. It’s still the only way I can create and edit Sonos Playlists and access  my Qobuz playlists. 

Here is a new issue, or new to me at least. 

I’m fortunate to have a summer place with its own Sonos equipment. The old app automatically saw where I was based on the wifi network. The new app goes through an extended search, to the point where it’s faster for me to delete and reinstall the app in order to find the equipment at my location. 

My Sonos system is driving me mad. I have music to relax me. Nothing about the interface or function (or lack of) is relaxing. I have been trying to play some music from my Mac for the last 2 hours, with little success. Music breaking up, Sonos app not able to see speakers, and when it can, wont link them. I invested in the wrong stuff. Have some Era 300s on the way, if I hadn't already paid the import duty I would cancel them. 18 speakers and 4 soundbars - big mistake. I upgraded my WiFi system, one speaker is wired to the router, still no joy.

Well I have found Menu Bar Controller for Sonos on the Apple App Store. Unlike the Sonos Mac app it works. I can group my speakers and all is playing (at the moment). A nice touch is that the app shows speaker volume percentage for all devices. I can easily set the volumes the same, unlike with the Sonos app, which I have to try and match the bar length.

Mid June has come and gone (weren’t there supposed to be improvements by then?) and I see no changes. I’m told my app is up to date but still have the same issues and new ones emerge almost daily. I am sick and tired of the “something went wrong”message. Group volume is an absolute joke with individual speakers having to be adjusted as the linked slider doesn’t function, when you do adjust them it’s pot luck whether they’ll hold the setting or revert to the original position. Practically every time I open the app my system can’t be found and the wait can be as long as two minutes before it appears. “Play next” was returned to us but doesn’t work, I just set mine to play a music album from Apple Music after a current track but instead got a podcast from BBC Sounds. The mid July list of features needing to be returned should tax the adolescent failed GCSE Computer Science incompetents of Sonos beyond their wildest dreams  

A ridiculous state of affairs and Sonos remain unapologetic whilst bombarding me with new product emails and infesting my feeds with adverts for the new headphones. 

One plus point. I found the option to name my system so mine is now called “”Fu**ed” by Sonos”” 

Home from work for three hours and wouldn’t it be grand to listen to some of my music? Practically impossible because, according to the piss poor app, I don’t have any components connected or indeed a system so should start anew connecting them. Utterly, utterly stupid; so stupid that I can’t even see ridiculous in the rear view mirror. Zero improvement despite the (empty) promises from Sonos. It was bad at release, how can it be getting worse?

And now I am forced to upgrade my Sonos app, otherwise it doesn’t work on Android.

  1. Search does not work for my music library
  2. I don’t see any option for changing alarms

What else is missing

I’m using the new app on android and I can’t change anything. None of the “managed” items work. All it allows me to do is play music, fortunately I have a iPad which does allow me to “manage” my Sonos system.

I have read that Sonophone for Sonos (iOS) is an excellent replacement. Though I haven’t tried it yet as I’m still researching its privacy statement.

It’s not free but with what the speakers cos, what’s a few extra bucks to get your $1000 plus system working again. 

SonoPhone downloaded and in seconds I can access and search my local NAS library and all services, playlists etc immediately available. £3.99 well spent. 

Shame on Sonos for failing to adequately address the dozens of issues caused since their roll out of the practically useless new app which still lacks even basic functionality despite several further updates supposedly aimed to give us back control stripped away with the demise of the gold S2 app. 

I've encountered significant issues with the latest update. Previously, I could easily play music from my NAS, but now I can only add one song at a time to the queue. Additionally, there's no option to roll back to the previous version, which is quite frustrating. I was considering buying extra speakers for different rooms in my house, but I'm holding off on that for now. If this issue isn't resolved quickly, I may have to replace my Sonos system with a more reliable alternative.

Fortunately, I found instructions on< > to roll back to the previous version of the S2 app. I've disabled auto-update, and for now, the system is working as it did before. I won't be updating the app on any devices until this issue is addressed properly.