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New Sonos app removes key features - beware!

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

Hardly a substitute, but I have found that downloading the app on my Macbook gives me at least some of the lost functionality - specifically being able to save and edit playlists and clear queues. What a mess.

In an email Sonos sent out at the end of April announcing the update, they stated this:


How will this affect my system?

We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features, and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved.


I wish that had only been true. I don’t think there’s a single statement that is correct.

Seriously 😱. Wainting until July before retrieving all features ??

That mean that our expensive products will not have the features that we pay for, for at least 3 months ???

In an email Sonos sent out at the end of April announcing the update, they stated this:

How will this affect my system?

We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features, and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved.


I wish that had only been true. I don’t think there’s a single statement that is correct.

Wow, they are 100% lies they've sent out. Would like an answer to why they haven't done that.

Sonos are Gaslighting us

This new app is a disgrace and makes me want to sell all my Sonos products. From the horrible interface to not even being able to easily select a new device (as it now always first wants to connect to the room something else is playing in or you last used.. WHY? I do not want to deselect other devices before selecting a new one) to the things mentioned here. Even as basic a functionality as adding music to the queue is missing? 

Disappointed this app was released without ways to control the queue:

  • No “add to queue” option
  • No “play now” option

Podcast listening issues:

  • TuneIn not working
  • iHeartRadio not working
  • Pocket Casts missing skip ahead/skip back buttons


Can’t understand why we’re being forced to use this beta release.

  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end

Two of the most used and useful functions I utilise.

Sonos please get a grip…

Tried to reset my Trueplay but it freezes when I get to the first sound signal !!

Some things about TruePlay/Auto-TruePlay are mentioned here in the link below and a few other missing features too:

Seriously 😱. Wainting until July before retrieving all features ??

That mean that our expensive products will not have the features that we pay for, for at least 3 months ???

I’m not even sure that « all features » will be retrieved. Note that they do not talk about searching local libraries.

Thank you so much for reaching out to Sonos Customer Experience! Your initial e-mail and feedback have been shared with our CEO. Patrick, after having read through your message, decided it best to have a case created in our customer care system, and have it escalated to one of his senior technical advisors, such that further action could be taken immediately.

My name is Vlad and I will be the point of contact moving forward. I hope this is alright with you.

Before moving any further, I just wanted to take the time and thank you for your interest in our products and brand. We are very thankful for your investment and support, and we couldn't express our gratitude enough in regards to your feedback.

I understand that you've expressed your dissatisfaction in regards to our latest software release. I am sorry for any unpleasantries this may have caused. Under no circumstances was our aim even remotely close to the intention of undermining customer satisfaction.

This revitalization of the Sonos app is our most ambitious software update yet, and aims to address what our customers have been asking us for. It’s a huge undertaking, and we are taking the time and effort to ensure all features work seamlessly and meet both our standards and the standards of our listeners. With this commitment in mind, features such as playlist creation and queue editing within the Sonos app, sleep timers, and local library support will not be available at launch, but will be added to the app on a rolling basis over the coming months.

We will do our best to support and deliver further functionality. For now, we have to ask for your patience and understanding.

Thank you so much for reaching out to Sonos Customer Experience! Your initial e-mail and feedback have been shared with our CEO. Patrick, after having read through your message, decided it best to have a case created in our customer care system, and have it escalated to one of his senior technical advisors, such that further action could be taken immediately.

My name is Vlad and I will be the point of contact moving forward. I hope this is alright with you.

Before moving any further, I just wanted to take the time and thank you for your interest in our products and brand. We are very thankful for your investment and support, and we couldn't express our gratitude enough in regards to your feedback.

I understand that you've expressed your dissatisfaction in regards to our latest software release. I am sorry for any unpleasantries this may have caused. Under no circumstances was our aim even remotely close to the intention of undermining customer satisfaction.

This revitalization of the Sonos app is our most ambitious software update yet, and aims to address what our customers have been asking us for. It’s a huge undertaking, and we are taking the time and effort to ensure all features work seamlessly and meet both our standards and the standards of our listeners. With this commitment in mind, features such as playlist creation and queue editing within the Sonos app, sleep timers, and local library support will not be available at launch, but will be added to the app on a rolling basis over the coming months.

We will do our best to support and deliver further functionality. For now, we have to ask for your patience and understanding.

Always the same classic 1st Level answer - it makes it even worse that they don’t recognize or recognize what s going on and give an official statement. This company went from skyline to curb in free fall…

Time to sell and move on to another system. This is not what the customer paid for. You need to have patience for a few months. It is the wurst explanation I have ever heard. 

At a minimum, SONOS should roll back to the previous app version. This has been a very negative customer experience. 

Why release something with so many features missing…. Please bring back the old app under another name. 

My sonos system is barely usable now….

Irgendwie wirkt die neue app wie eine alphaversion. Vieles fehlt, durch das zweite update sind noch weniger Funktionen vorhanden als in der ersten Version. Wer macht denn sowas? Absolut sinnlos. Die Software sollte intuitiv und zuverlässig sein, das wird aber immer schlechter. Die stabile Software war früher etwas das Sonos auszeichnete. Ich würde sagen das ist komplett schief gelaufen, eine Steigerung wäre nur noch denkbar wenn garnichts mehr geht. 

It looks like the missing features are present in the Mac app:  queue editing, sleep timers…. Maybe this is an old version?  They probably should make the old iOS version available to work around the missing features from the new.

You can use the Mac desktop app but the Mac mobile app is just as unusable on iPhone and iPad.

I have always loved my Sonos speakers (I have two homes with systems), but the downfall has always been how terrible the app was. I was so excited to see that Sonos was finally upgrading after all these years. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT the new app is 😢!!!!

They have taken a horrible app and made it even worse. With having  limited number of songs able to play on any given playlist, we were always forced to queue music and now they have taken that ability away. For me the app is virtually useless now unless you want to be constantly changing your playlists all day long. Time to find a new speaker company! 

yes there is @wse106, but this features didn’t work on MacOS too

Thank you so much for reaching out to Sonos Customer Experience! Your initial e-mail and feedback have been shared with our CEO. Patrick, after having read through your message, decided it best to have a case created in our customer care system, and have it escalated to one of his senior technical advisors, such that further action could be taken immediately.

My name is Vlad and I will be the point of contact moving forward. I hope this is alright with you.

Before moving any further, I just wanted to take the time and thank you for your interest in our products and brand. We are very thankful for your investment and support, and we couldn't express our gratitude enough in regards to your feedback.

I understand that you've expressed your dissatisfaction in regards to our latest software release. I am sorry for any unpleasantries this may have caused. Under no circumstances was our aim even remotely close to the intention of undermining customer satisfaction.

This revitalization of the Sonos app is our most ambitious software update yet, and aims to address what our customers have been asking us for. It’s a huge undertaking, and we are taking the time and effort to ensure all features work seamlessly and meet both our standards and the standards of our listeners. With this commitment in mind, features such as playlist creation and queue editing within the Sonos app, sleep timers, and local library support will not be available at launch, but will be added to the app on a rolling basis over the coming months.

We will do our best to support and deliver further functionality. For now, we have to ask for your patience and understanding.

Always the same classic 1st Level answer - it makes it even worse that they don’t recognize or recognize what s going on and give an official statement. This company went from skyline to curb in free fall…

This is not a customer service email, it’s just a copy & paste reply from PR. All emails on this topic are probably just being written by ChatGPT. No soul or empathy, copy & paste.

This update is horrible….There is NO reason a simple Alarm or Timer should not of been included in this release.  Programming this is not difficult as it was already set in the old app.  Why release this with simple features omitted? You should of waited until it was ready, if I remember correctly there was a older app that wanted to stop allowing older devices to update until people got upset about that also….maybe I am thinking of something else.

I suggest you register to attend the event on the 14th of May - Sonos App Redesign AMA

This update is just… I have no words for it.

My use case for the last years with our kids:

Every morning, start the app, clear the queue, let them choose 4-5 songs (adding them to the queue one by one) to help us start the day smiling.

At the evening, fire up two episodes of their favorite kids series and switch on the sleep timer.

It is unbelievable that this basic workflow is not supported anymore.

The system became useless by this update 😠