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New Sonos app removes key features - beware!

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

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391 replies

Userlevel 3

How can you implement something with so many key features missed?


Perplexed, ;-(



I’m not defending the new App as it stands, by the way, as there’s things I’m unhappy about too. I’m just pointing out that the images on clearly show that some of the missing items being mentioned/discussed here, are shown in the screenshots/animations and it seems clear that more functionality is likely on its way.

I’m certainly not defending Sonos releasing things that are clearly unfinished, as it’s clear that first impressions can leave a lasting effect on some, particularly if unable to perhaps see the Apps potential/possibilities and admittedly I’ve struggled with its performance/feel in some areas and hope some things will eventually be optimised. Admittedly there are some missing features I’m not personally bothered about, such as UPnP/DLNA playback, but I’m certainly missing ‘add to queue’, ‘play next’ and and editing/clearing a room queue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

It's good of you to say so Ken, I mean that. The bigger the voice, the more people speak out then the more Sonos may listen.

Surely you could never have imagined Sonos not having some of these ‘staple’ functions in a new software release?

It's really hard to get excited or to imagine the App’s potential when users can't do things they've done for a couple of decades in some cases.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

And it’s all broken again.  It’s as flaky as heck.  I’m lucky that I have one device that’s not updated, and it will NOT get updated any time soon.

I’m really glad I have Roon at home to count on.  I feel like I’ve lost my faith in Sonos here.  I cannot fathom releasing an app that says “Adding a music library is a feature to come.  In the meantime, use your desktop app, which, by the way, we will be deprecating shortly to force you to use a web app.”  ADDING. A. LIBRARY. 

This is the easy stuff.  I don’t trust streaming services.  They will eliminate stuff regularly.  The only way to be sure is to own your media. And Sonos has put streaming ahead of libraries again, probably because of going all in on Atmos.  Disappointing.

Really, really disappointing.

And it’s all broken again.  It’s as flaky as heck.  I’m lucky that I have one device that’s not updated, and it will NOT get updated any time soon.

I’m not seeing any ‘stability’ issue with the new App/Devices here - thats on an iPhone and iPad - it all seems to work …and the Music Services, ‘pinned categories’ (shortcuts) and all my Sonos rooms show up in the App, even after fully closing/reopening the App a number of times. I’ve not yet seen a ‘room’, for example, not show up in the slide-up system screen, or whatever that screen is called?

Userlevel 2

Designed by geeks who don’t live in the real world. What was wrong with the old app?

Userlevel 3

Really Sonos, really? 

I have a party tomorrow and can’t make or edit a playlist? No “add to end” or “add to queue? 

My complete system is for sale!

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

I’m really glad I have Roon at home to count on.  I feel like I’ve lost my faith in Sonos here.  I cannot fathom releasing an app that says “Adding a music library is a feature to come.  In the meantime, use your desktop app, which, by the way, we will be deprecating shortly to force you to use a web app.”  ADDING. A. LIBRARY. 

I can just about get on board with using the desktop app to update my library, but the idea that I need to boot up the laptop to change the time of my morning alarm is crazy. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

I have no issue with rolling out a new app.  But not until it is feature-complete with at least the most basic tasks a user is likely to accomplish.  


I miss the old dark blue background and how “add to queue” was the default behavior.  At least it was fast.  That’s the second worst part of the Sonos trajectory - everything has gotten slower even as our devices have gotten insanely speedier.  It’s kind of depressing.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Removal of surrounds somehow also doesnt work.


Userlevel 3

How this thing got shipped I don’t know. You can’t even add songs to the queue??? 

@Majo133 , I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of trying to remove your surrounds, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.

How this thing got shipped I don’t know. You can’t even add songs to the queue??? 

Maybe see my earlier post HERE, only it strikes me that the ‘add to queue’ feature is perhaps on its way, as it’s in the preview screens posted on

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

How this thing got shipped I don’t know. You can’t even add songs to the queue??? 

Maybe see my earlier post HERE, only it strikes me that the ‘add to queue’ feature is perhaps on its way, as it’s in the preview screens posted on

But this is not right. Sonos have removed some fundamental functions of the system that have been there for years. They did not warn about this and they are not offering a way to return to a fully functional system. 
I appreciate they say some things are coming, but what and when?  We all know had economical Sonos are with information and timescales so it could be days months or never to get back to what was a, in my experience, a very good application for playing my local files. 

I’d rather the option to have S2 back and Freeze my system I’m much the same way as the S1 situation. 

I'm all for making changes to applications and systems, some take a little getting used to, but to remove fundamental functionality and not give a way to return it back, is utterly bizarre. 

The customer clearly does not come first in this relationship. 

How this thing got shipped I don’t know. You can’t even add songs to the queue??? 

Maybe see my earlier post HERE, only it strikes me that the ‘add to queue’ feature is perhaps on its way, as it’s in the preview screens posted on

But this is not right. Sonos have removed some fundamental functions of the system that have been there for years. They did not warn about this and they are not offering a way to return to a fully functional system. 

I can only agree @bockersjv. I’m not being defensive about anything - I’m just stating that it looks like the feature will be coming. I want the ‘missing’ features back as much as the next person here. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +4 is gone too.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Apologies @Ken_Griffiths, I’m not directing anything at you. I am just so disappointed and annoyed at Sonos for thinking this release is acceptable. If it had been a trial release I could understand, with an alternative to go back to the S2 version but it’s a one way street to customer dissatisfaction. Nothing has been learnt from the S1/2 situation. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Going to update my post above:

  • gone
  • No subsonic music source - though I was able to resume what I was playing this moring
  • Can’t search my local library?!?!?!

This is just the stuff I found in the first 5 minutes, not even getting into all the little UI stuff no letter index on the side of a long scrolling list…

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.


Try adding new product!     Nightmare!


Apologies @Ken_Griffiths, I’m not directing anything at you. I am just so disappointed and annoyed at Sonos for thinking this release is acceptable. If it had been a trial release I could understand, with an alternative to go back to the S2 version but it’s a one way street to customer dissatisfaction. Nothing has been learnt from the S1/2 situation. 

No need to apologise @bockersjv - I understand the frustration here. I too would like to have seen the new App perhaps released as a ‘Preview’ and have it run alongside the S2 App until it was at least in a reasonable position to take the helm. It’s just missing basic features that I’m sure we all use on a daily basis. I can live with it for now and get by, but I hope that Sonos will throw more resources at it soon to get it ‘match fit’.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Struggling to wrap my head around this. Sonos removed — wholesale — our ability to edit the queue? In 2024. Their master plan is to remove their customer’s ability to choose the music they listen to? And now I basically own a $4,000 iPod Shuffle?

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

An absolute shocker of an update. I don’t even know where to begin. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Is this referring to the main App (ios/Android) and you can't add songs to a queue?



That feature though is clearly pending and on its way at some stage… see this link:

Heres the screen (attached) that shows what it ‘perhaps’ might look like in the new App.

It’s why I think we’re only seeing the core features of the App at this stage and perhaps reduced down for initial worldwide roll-out with a view to maybe adding these ‘talked about’ features later. (That’s just a,bit of a guess of course) but it shows that there’s more to come, IMHO.

That’s a senseless way to perform a roll out. The customer experience cannot be worsened while you land your final app. That makes zero sense. Had I known I wouldn’t want this. I am now bloody irritated and don’t know how long this irritation will last. SENSELESS. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

what a nightmare 😡 I can’t understand this Company. This makes no sense at all releasing an unfinished software.. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Apologies @Ken_Griffiths, I’m not directing anything at you. I am just so disappointed and annoyed at Sonos for thinking this release is acceptable. If it had been a trial release I could understand, with an alternative to go back to the S2 version but it’s a one way street to customer dissatisfaction. Nothing has been learnt from the S1/2 situation. 

A very fair comment. Their continuous improvement muscle has not been built after the debacle of the whole S1/S2 and brick your speakers era. I defended them in part during that time - but sorry this is now ridiculous.