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New Sonos app removes key features - beware!

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

I’ve had Pandora on since morning and the “now playing” box is still showing the first song that played . . . six hours ago.  



This update is utter garbage and I want to just throw my whole system out the window. What is wrong with Sonos? Why would they take away key features such as play next alarms and the ability to organize the queue? This must be fixed ASAP. 

I concur. Being an early user to Sonos I have years of habits formed using the system. Now my mornings starts out convincing myself not to throw my phone at the nearest speaker! My frustration began the day it updated when I was convinced the app had “disapeared” from my phone. I searched high and low only to discover that the culprit was me! My eyes for years told my finger to select the gold Sonon app. Then I found the dang thing hiding in plain sight but masked in black. This too shall all pass I suppose, but I am not a happy camper at the moment!

I just received two emails advertising the all new Sonos headphones. Will I be buying a set


has anyone found a non streaming controller for Sonos other than the recent incarnation of the app. 

I am so disappointed with this new app, can’t seem to add a single song or even delete one. We just bought a second speaker a month and a half ago to put in a different room (have had the first one over 5 years) and regret it sooooo much. I will NOT recommend this product to anyone!!

Man, sonos really screwed the app up.

I dont even wanr to use the app.

This new app is a disaster. It keeps changing my rooms even though I have hit the apply button over and over again every time I open it it reverts back to another room. I cannot thumbs up a song without the app canceling the song and moving to another one. I can’t find anything. Who designed this and what were they thinking? I’m guessing they weren’t thinking at all!!

What a disgrace, can I please have my old app back or fix this one ASAP because if not I will be getting rid of this system…

I agree with you James161, it would be great if we could have the old app back!!

More. The interface with BBC Sounds is screwed up as well, when I enter the comedy section the app lists only 30 shows whereas when I use the BBC Sounds app there are in excess of 200 available. Playing podcasts is a lottery; start playing, get a few minutes in and stop then resume a different episode.  Group volume all over the place, slide the master slider on a three room group and watch two go up and one go down and then all snap back to where you started.  My NAS library has now reappeared but only on the app on the iPad, it remains unseen on the iPhone so go figure.. 

I am sick and tired of the “Something went wrong” message, how on earth can the company stand by as the community points out the legion failures of this useless so called update and do nothing?

An unmitigated disaster and the frequent emails exhorting me to buy new products, their “most requested” apparently, just rub salt into the wound.  

For an hour and a half this morning I have been trying to listen to an Apple playlist. Not a single track has been played fully and the longest any has played is about a minute.

We are being denied access to our own music by this execrable piece of unfinished rubbish which has been foisted on us by Sonos.


Someone else here mentioned class action, now I’m from the UK where we don’t really go in for that sort of thing but I get where they’re coming from. It’s like your car manufacturer has taken your keys off you but left you with the car, all the potential is sitting there giving you the middle finger and you can’t do anything about it. 

I have never left S1; I stopped buying Sonos hardware after the S1/S2 forking, 

If Sonos wants to fix their ecosystem, then going back to S1 will go a long way. Dump all the S2 and new app software and remove the limitation of downgrading. All this nonsense has stopped me from buying any newer products not supporting S1.

For two days now I have been unable to listen to ANYTHING using the app. The two streaming services I use, Apple (tracks never played completely) and BBC Sounds (dropping in and out and stopping after a couple of minutes) have been crippled and my NAS music library has disappeared, again, from available sources. My connection is 414Mbps so it’s not a wifi issue, this is confirmed by accessing the two services via their native apps and connecting to the speaker(s) using Airplay which gives me seamless, and instant, playback. I didn’t buy Sonos products just to have them as ‘dumb’ extensions of my phone, I bought them for their unique qualities as a trouble free means of accessing my carefully curated music collections; a convenience I enjoyed with both the S1 and S2 apps but which is now denied me by this useless excuse for an ‘upgrade’. 

I shouldn’t be having to try to solve this (currently contemplating returning to S1), it should have been resolved by Sonos by now and not left unaddressed for over three (?) weeks. Of course if I do revert to S1 I have no guarantee that will continue to be supported, I can easily envisage a scenario where support for older products is suddenly withdrawn based on the ridiculous situation surrounding the current disastrous ‘upgrade’. 

Silence reigns undisturbed by any move to apologise for this debacle from Sonos. 

Anyone for a laugh? Watch/read this and see if you can find one feature which is working for you in the way they claim it is. “Complete control” apparently!

Anyone for a laugh? Watch/read this and see if you can find one feature which is working for you in the way they claim it is. “Complete control” apparently!


oh no hang on I think I had it once and then someone stole it 😡🤬😤😖😠

What’s even worse and more insulting is that their response is, “We are aware and may include those features in future releases.” And my response, “Buyers MAY purchase your products in the future based upon your crap development processes.”


This is nothing new for SONOS. You would think that they would be interested in keeping customers.


It’s a good thing they don’t build airplanes or cars….. “Oh sorry no wings or tires in this release…. We may add it again later”.



The issue is that Sonos built their reputation as a service driven company with a real smart app for music fans, which drove value priced speakers that sound much better than the overpriced crap put out by Bose and the like. The S1 and old S2 app’s ability to simultaneously search multiple services is matched only by buggy Roon. 

Today they’ve become a product driven company that’s forgotten who their users are. Either that or they’ve made a strategic decision to become Bose, leaving their original customer base behind. 

Just updated to latest version of the app on iOS (4 June), and even though things like sleep timers, alarms, play next and add to queue have been listed as fixes, nothing has changed - those functions simply don’t exist. Also still can’t edit Sonos playlists. From my perspective, 4 weeks on and no improvement. Bring back S2.

This morning I started an Apple playlist. It took 24 minutes of playing 1-3 seconds of a different track every 25-40 seconds before a song was played to its conclusion (and that started part way through) and the list then played. But remember I have “complete control” because of this new app! 

After the update yesterday, note these tell us our hardware needs updating with no mention of putting right the piss poor app, I still have all the same issues and speakers are dropping in and out when they feel like it on my 7 speaker system. 

A Sonos email today invites me to discover “Active Noise cancellation on Sonos Ace”, this feature has obviously been employed by Sonos in their deaf response to the hundreds (thousands?) of complaints they’ve received during this fiasco. 

I just wanted to add the obvious comment. I suspect all of us know SONOS hardware costs more that double of comparable equipment. I have excused this in the past because of the exceptional quality of their software and app functionality.

Now I have hundreds of clients that want their money back.

What does SONOS think I'll do put up with their bumbling attempts to fix what was until a few weeks ago a perfect product ?

I will find another product that keeps my clients happy and sell their stuff for them on e-Bay.

Please look for my new corporate self help book entitled “How to Kill the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg or How My Son and his Buddies Ruined a Great Corporation”.

Bye BYE, Numbnuts….

Sonos are getting what they want. Corporate stone walling has eventually led to this going quiet. No issues resolved; still a useless, unreliable, feature stripped, retrograde piece of rubbish passed off as an upgrade. Utterly disgusting that no apology has been offered and no effort made to address the issues or make available the S2 app. 

Sonos are getting what they want. Corporate stone walling has eventually led to this going quiet. No issues resolved; still a useless, unreliable, feature stripped, retrograde piece of rubbish passed off as an upgrade. Utterly disgusting that no apology has been offered and no effort made to address the issues or make available the S2 app. 


You aren’t going to get an apology, corporate lawyers would never OK one, especially given the ease and frequency that people threaten them with a class action lawsuit on this forum and elsewhere.


Issues addressed (or scheduled to be addressed):

Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jun 4, 2024. See release notes.

  • Improved playback settings including “Play next,” “add to end of queue,” and on iOS, the mute button
  • Improved product setup, Bluetooth discovery and WiFi settings
  • Added sleep timer settings
  • Improved Trueplay setup on iOS
  • Introduced distance settings for home theater surrounds
  • Improved navigation for users who are blind or visually-impaired
  • Added VoiceOver support for toast messages on iOS

Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD

Thanks for the last entry which lists the features “available now”. However, even with have my system up to date and using the latest software, none of those “available now” items are available. Am I the only one?

Thanks for the last entry which lists the features “available now”. However, even with have my system up to date and using the latest software, none of those “available now” items are available. Am I the only one?


There are other reports of this, but I’m not sure of the reason.  I do know the app updates roll out at different times to different locations, but that usually only take hours, not days. 

The reason people threaten lawsuits is that Sonos will not apologize, or recognize that there is a problem.

If there were an apology, people would be slightly less upset.

If Sonos easily offered old app until new app is better, people would be less upset.

Hospitals learned that apologies reduce lawsuits. One hopes that they apologize because they are sorry, not just for financial benefit, but apologies are good for the business, as well as good practice.

The reason people threaten lawsuits is that Sonos will not apologize, or recognize that there is a problem.

If there were an apology, people would be slightly less upset.

If Sonos easily offered old app until new app is better, people would be less upset.

Hospitals learned that apologies reduce lawsuits. One hopes that they apologize because they are sorry, not just for financial benefit, but apologies are good for the business, as well as good practice.


Meh, an apology is of no value to me.  I have no urge to see people grovel and I have no need for useless platitudes.  I’d rather they spend that time actually fixing things.

And if you think an apology is going to quell the lawsuit threats, you haven’t been here long.  People throw those out at the drop of a hat.  I’ve seen less junk email in the last month than I’ve seen the words “class action” at this site. 

As to recognizing the problem, right at the top of their support page is this link: