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New Sonos app removes key features - beware!

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

Has anybody at Sonos read the Forbes article quoted earlier in this thread, “4 Lessons From Sonos’ App Upgrade Fiasco”, and taken note of it? When I worked in the commercial world, stuff went wrong, but a measure of a truly confident company was how they responded. Often, what seemed like a disaster was turned into success by the prompt action that a company took to rectify things, and a side effect was the relationship between the company and customer was strengthened. It’s over a week since this new app was released and a multitude of problems still exist which actively affect customer systems. Meanwhile those of us who, by luck, didn’t upgrade a particular iPad or iPhone can still use the previous version with full functionality. No one can understand why Sonos doesn’t put the S2 app back as an option. A little humility would demonstrate real courage. 

And today, my local library is definitely not an option anymore. I now own a very expensive system of AirPlay speakers… Great isn’t it?

If there happen to be anything wrong with AirPlay, I would have 5 very expensive useless black blocks in my apartment…

Great work Sonos !

 My fifth set of “what’s the latest bo**ocks this atrocious ‘upgrade’ has caused” post.

Access to music services poor; BBC Sounds no longer displays the synopsis information and I’m sure that’s a Sonos not BBC issue, other services slow. My 113gB NAS library is now an utter lottery as to whether a file will play or not, massive swathes of spoken word content in particular inaccessible. 

Hardware control almost completely kyboshed, group volume changes each speaker in a group at random not all in unison. Response to any input at the UI, change volume, skip a track etc is glacially slow. In a hope over experience moment last night I allowed the next update and now can’t connect to two of my seven speakers. Every time you close the app and reopen it you wait minutes for it to show whether anything is playing so if you want to mute for a moment for a phone call or conversation you might as well get up and use the speaker button. 

It’s an unmitigated disaster from all perspectives.

And today, my local library is definitely not an option anymore. I now own a very expensive system of AirPlay speakers… Great isn’t it?

If there happen to be anything wrong with AirPlay, I would have 5 very expensive useless black blocks in my apartment…

Great work Sonos !

Be careful what you say MM357, as “they might be listening” I said something similar yesterday and guess what! today I have no Air Play from the new updated app. However go back to the good old golden days app on my iPad (not yet updated thank the good tech fairies) and like a step back in time  everything works wonderfully, and I get the warm wonderful feeling of nostalgia for the good old days. 🤬😜🤣

Has anybody at Sonos read the Forbes article quoted earlier in this thread, “4 Lessons From Sonos’ App Upgrade Fiasco”, and taken note of it? When I worked in the commercial world, stuff went wrong, but a measure of a truly confident company was how they responded. Often, what seemed like a disaster was turned into success by the prompt action that a company took to rectify things, and a side effect was the relationship between the company and customer was strengthened. It’s over a week since this new app was released and a multitude of problems still exist which actively affect customer systems. Meanwhile those of us who, by luck, didn’t upgrade a particular iPad or iPhone can still use the previous version with full functionality. No one can understand why Sonos doesn’t put the S2 app back as an option. A little humility would demonstrate real courage. 

Dear all

I apologise if this is the wrong place, but what follows is a copy of an email to the Sonos CEO Patrick Spence.

Dear sir

I’m not sure if you have managed to keep abreast of the conversations taking place on the community forums. 
But it is safe to say that from my extensive searches I have been unable to find anyone who has had a good experience with the latest release. 
We who have invested a large amount of time, money and energy into creating a sustainable and enjoyable listening experience to enhance our enjoyment, feel extremely let down. Not just because of all the glitches and bugs which have ensued after the latest app release. Nor the loss of functionality and inability to access parts of our systems or our own independent music libraries. 
But your companies lack of care and compassion for its not insignificant customer base. Surely rather than keep pushing forward it would be more prudent from a customer satisfaction perspective to, reintroduce the gold app S2 which worked so well, for a not insignificant period. 
Once this has been done, it would be perfectly reasonable to progress with the development of the new app and its perceived benefits, associated with the release. 
You need to understand that these unhappy customers, have been created by the fact that we have all purchased our products as we believed that yours was a product with longevity and quality. The fact that we are unable to use them as we intended is extremely concerning and frustrating.
I put it to you that, were you to purchase any product, from a coffee machine to a new car, and were to wake up one morning and not be able to use it for a day, a week, a month or six months and no more commitment to a timeframe than that. All because of a software update, I am absolutely sure that you would not just accept this, nor would you accept that the manufacturer would not be prepared to converse with you, or to offer a resolution indicating acceptance that you have every right to be aggrieved about not having full use of your product and all its features, which you purchased in good faith. 
I look forward to your feedback at your earliest convenience. Hopefully, Before the secondhand  market is flooded with your products from frustrated customers. 
Kind Regards, from an unvalued and frustrated customer. 
Mr C. Priest MCIPs


Has anybody at Sonos read the Forbes article quoted earlier in this thread, “4 Lessons From Sonos’ App Upgrade Fiasco”, and taken note of it? When I worked in the commercial world, stuff went wrong, but a measure of a truly confident company was how they responded. Often, what seemed like a disaster was turned into success by the prompt action that a company took to rectify things, and a side effect was the relationship between the company and customer was strengthened. It’s over a week since this new app was released and a multitude of problems still exist which actively affect customer systems. Meanwhile those of us who, by luck, didn’t upgrade a particular iPad or iPhone can still use the previous version with full functionality. No one can understand why Sonos doesn’t put the S2 app back as an option. A little humility would demonstrate real courage. 

Ich denke Du meinst diesen Artikel:

Der Artikel sollte den Aufsichtsrat alarmieren, denn das zeigt wie Krisenmanagement nicht geht. Hat eigentlich schon jemand versucht dem Aufsichtsratsvirsitzenden zu schreiben? Die sitzen ja auf dem Geld und können daran kein Interesse haben. Vom CEO kommt keine Stellungnahme, vom Aufsichtsrat als Kontrollgremium vielleicht schon. 

Alarms? You cannot create playlists. Probably THE most important feature in a music app. 

I’m finding the all new Sonos ‘Web App’ just has rather basic functionality, but I actually like its layout on my iPad screen (landscape mode) - I think I prefer that layout to the new App, with the rooms down the side, but appreciate it would not work on a phone display. 

One feature request I have already, is to be able to change the order of the ‘pinned categories’ on the Web App, like we are able to do with the new Sonos App.

…I really like the layout here.👍

Can you add playlists and can you add songs to existing playlists? I am unable to do so.


What a surprise !!!! 

Without a new version update (current version 80.00.08), today I can see a new option to manage my alarms (in Settings - Manage - Alarms). Do you also have this feature enable on your side ?

They also removed the skip back 10 seconds and fast-forward 45 buttons.


And also, when you use the progress bar to rewind or fast-forward you have zero clue as to how far your finger has moved the tracking. I bought my Sonos after the S1 to S2 debacle and I hope this doesn't turn into that.

Well i can only agree with earlier posts that the UI is horrible simply hate the now playing/search that block half my screen and can't get them to disappear. 

First i couldn't get the google connection to work. Opened the app and new UI, couldn't find favorites, change/group speakers and one speaker just vanished.

Decided to restart the phone and try but now my whole system is gone.

How the hell did this pass quality check?

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

Totally agree. Cannot find how to start a station from a track as well. Previous app was much better. 
please sort it Sonos. 

I can no longer play Artist Radio via Tidal on the new app. Well you can see a list of tracks and select one track at a time. But wow.

No-one can defend this diabolical release.

Hang around a little while and see...

I don't want to hang, I'd like to use my expensive speakers like I did few days ago. 

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

Also no true play or equaliser control 

Having just upgraded to the new app, I’m utterly amazed at how poor it is from a user perspective.

  • There is no longer a volume number indication
  • You cannot edit queues
  • You cannot add single songs to a queue as ‘play next’ or ‘add to end’
  • You cannot create or edit any alarms

How did this get through any UAT? These are basic features every Sonos user has enjoyed for years.

Absolutely ridiculous, please add this functionality back ASAP.

Yes. Appalling. Sonos has now plummeted in my estimation.

Look Sonos. It’s simple. Let us “down”grade to the previous version of the app until the new one can perform all the functions the old one could. The effect of what you’ve done is as if you’d broken into people’s homes and hobbled their expensive Sonos devices. What makes you think that’s an acceptable way to behave towards your customers? 

Give us the downgrade option fast. Every hour you delay means further damage to your brand. 

A week late, but I finally got a reply from Sonos after emailing the CEO. While the response continued the company's irritating habit of pretending there were positive as well as negative results from this whole debacle ("We’ve received a great deal of feedback thus far, on both the improvements made as well as where we fell short"), they are at least FINALLY answering questions about which specifically functionality will be returning to the app when:

"Additional improvements to screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
Adding to queue and playing next: early June
Sleep timer: mid-June
Snooze alarms: mid-June
Local music library search and playback: mid-June
Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June"

I remain angry they took so long to do this very basic damage control, and mystified they didn't even ATTEMPT to provide this level of detail during Tuesday's Ask Me Anything, but it IS progress.


A week late, but I finally got a reply from Sonos after emailing the CEO. While the response continued the company's irritating habit of pretending there were positive as well as negative results from this whole debacle ("We’ve received a great deal of feedback thus far, on both the improvements made as well as where we fell short"), they are at least FINALLY answering questions about which specifically functionality will be returning to the app when:

"Additional improvements to screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
Adding to queue and playing next: early June
Sleep timer: mid-June
Snooze alarms: mid-June
Local music library search and playback: mid-June
Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June"

I remain angry they took so long to do this very basic damage control, and mystified they didn't even ATTEMPT to provide this level of detail during Tuesday's Ask Me Anything, but it IS progress.



That list of expected delivery dates has been posted here for almost a week:


A week late, but I finally got a reply from Sonos after emailing the CEO. While the response continued the company's irritating habit of pretending there were positive as well as negative results from this whole debacle ("We’ve received a great deal of feedback thus far, on both the improvements made as well as where we fell short"), they are at least FINALLY answering questions about which specifically functionality will be returning to the app when:

"Additional improvements to screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
Adding to queue and playing next: early June
Sleep timer: mid-June
Snooze alarms: mid-June
Local music library search and playback: mid-June
Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June"

I remain angry they took so long to do this very basic damage control, and mystified they didn't even ATTEMPT to provide this level of detail during Tuesday's Ask Me Anything, but it IS progress.



That list of expected delivery dates has been posted here for almost a week:


Sorry, man, I hadn't seen it in any of the three threads where I've been lodging my concerns and reading others' (I did check all recent replies in each of those three before posting), and I assume you'll forgive me for assuming that it wasn't necessary to read every possible other thread before sharing the first glimmer of positive news I've seen here on this one 

But if they posted that 6 days ago, why in the world didn't they get that specific during Tuesday's AMA? I spent three damn hours waiting for exactly those answers, but they never came.

Sorry, man, I hadn't seen it in any of the three threads where I've been lodging my concerns and reading others' (I did check all recent replies in each of those three before posting), and I assume you'll forgive me for assuming that it wasn't necessary to read every possible other thread before sharing the first glimmer of positive news I've seen here on this one 

But if they posted that 6 days ago, why in the world didn't they get that specific during Tuesday's AMA? I spent three damn hours waiting for exactly those answers, but they never came.


Sonos reps didn’t get that specific, but user @Andrew-s posted a copy of that post on page 29 of the AMA.  Unfortunately, there are too many threads to keep track, and Sonos’ efforts to combine some were met with howls of censorship.  I’ve no idea why they haven’t stickied the official threads like the one I linked and the original announcement, but Sonos is not well known for its communication prowess.

My connect gen 2 had an intermittent fault a few weeks ago, sonos support tried hard to fix the issue but eventually concluded that there was a hardware fault and persuaded me to return it in exchange for a 30% discount on a new Port. 

i asked and was given assurances that the Port would work with S1. This is important because my sonos system is in a holiday let and controlled by a cr 200 controller. It is not reasonable or practical to expect guests to download apps and register accounts just so they can play music in their holiday home for a few days. The old controller works perfectly for the purpose, guests can listen to music on Spotify or their favourite radio station very easily and even better they cant mess around with the settings. 

To be absolutely sure I checked the website and that too confirmed that Port works with S1. 

So, I agreed, returned my working connect (albeit with an occasional drop out from the router) and paid nearly £300 for a Port. 

When it arrived it transpired that it no longer can be downgraded to S1 as this functionality is not supported in the new app. 

Customer services don’t answer the phone or reply to emails. 

I have exchanged a system that worked modt of the time for one that doesn’t work at all and it only cost me £300. 

I’m going to try and reclaim my expenditure from my credit card with a section 75 claim if I don’t get some response from customer services soon

Seems like there is agreement that the Current Sonos Apps suck!

Outrageous ploy. All of my system settings have disappeared on the new app on iphone (I haven’t dared upgrade my android). No favourites, no services. Everything zeroed as if I havent been using it for, what, ten years?

A week late, but I finally got a reply from Sonos after emailing the CEO. While the response continued the company's irritating habit of pretending there were positive as well as negative results from this whole debacle ("We’ve received a great deal of feedback thus far, on both the improvements made as well as where we fell short"), they are at least FINALLY answering questions about which specifically functionality will be returning to the app when:

"Additional improvements to screen reader for visually impaired customers: May 21
Adding to queue and playing next: early June
Sleep timer: mid-June
Snooze alarms: mid-June
Local music library search and playback: mid-June
Update Wi-Fi settings: mid-June"

I remain angry they took so long to do this very basic damage control, and mystified they didn't even ATTEMPT to provide this level of detail during Tuesday's Ask Me Anything, but it IS progress.


Blimey them coders is sure gonna be busy mid June. Let’s just hope they fix it and don’t brake it more than they already have. 🤬😩🤮

A solution?

Not a good solution since you shouldn't but if you google it's not superhard to find the not updated apk from other download sites than google play.

Not in any way saying here's the solution but it's a solution.

A solution?

Not a good solution since you shouldn't but if you google it's not superhard to find the not updated apk from other download sites than google play.

Not in any way saying here's the solution but it's a solution.

I have found the non-updated APK and having installed it, it won’t let me connect to my speaker without upgrading to the latest version. I cannot see any option to carry on the connection process without upgrading to the latest version. Has anybody managed to find a workaround?